IMPORTANT: If you received more than one Award, Bursary, or Scholarship, you may submit one response for all Awards/Bursaries/Scholarships or separate responses for each award.
1. Bursary/Award/Scholarship Name*
F. Pearce Essay Prize
1909 Arts Scholarship in History
1968 Golden Gaels Football Team Award
46th Queen?s Battery/Royal Canada Artillery 1914-18 Bursary
A. Charles Baillie Environmental Studies Scholarship
A. Dorothy Milligan Bursary
A. E. MacRae Award in Creative Leadership
A. E. MacRae Bursary
A. Ephraim Diamond Awards
A. Lorne Cassidy Award
A. Vibert Douglas Bursaries
A.R. Dennis Doctoral Award
AMS Emergency Taxi Fund
ASUS Scholarships
Abramsky Prize in Physiology
Accelerated MBA for Business Graduates Scholarship
Accenture Scholarship in Engineering and Applied Science
Accenture Scholarship in the Smith School of Business
Adam Chowaniec Award
Adam Wallgren Memorial Award
Adiel Steacy Memorial Scholarship
Aesculapian Society Award
Agnes Benidickson Bursary
Agnes Lefas Memorial Scholarship
Aileen M. Truesdell Memorial Award
Aish Award
Alan Tustin Bursary
Albert & Annie Francis Foundation Award
Albert & Annie Francis Foundation Graduate Award
Albert H. Ruddell Award
Albert Harold Lightstone Bursary
Alexander Laird Scholarship in English
Alexander and Ian Vorres Hellenic Travel Fellowship
Alexandra and Mary Fraser Memorial Scholarship
Alf Peneycad Bursary
Alfie Pierce Admission Award
Alfre & Isabel Bader Fellowship in Art History
Alfred Bader Fellowship in Memory of Jean Royce
Alfred Bader Graduate Fellowship
Alfred Bader Graduate Fellowship in the Humanities
Alfred Bader International Study Centre Award
Alfred Bader Scholarship in Art History
Alfred Bader Scholarship in Chemistry
Alfred Bader Scholarship in Jewish Studies
Alfred and Isabel Bader Awards (Non-Ontario)
Ali Velshi Admission Bursary
Alice Corry Award in Education
Alice Gertrude King Memorial Scholarship
Alice Kingdon Bursaries
Alison & I. G. Morgan Bursary
Allan Findlay Memorial Entrance Scholarship
Allan R. Taylor Bursary
Allan R. Taylor International Study Award
Allen and Mary Lou West Memorial Award
Allen-Bracken Award
Alumnae Association Bursary
Alumni Advisory Committee Scholarship
Alumni Association Bursary
Alvera Salute Lundquist Memorial Bursary
Alvin M. Hew & Family Upper Year Bursary
Amir Moradi Memorial Bursary
Amma Bonsu Bursary for International Students
Andrea Battersby and Karim Ali Radwan Memorial Bursary
Andrew Calder Men's Volleyball Athletic Award
Andrew Haydon Scholarship
Andrew McMahon Standards of Excellence Award (Year 3)
Andrew McMahon Standards of Excellence Awards (Year 1)
Andrew and Ann Kertesz Bursary
Andrina McCulloch Prize in Public Speaking
Andy and Helen Spriet Admission Bursary
Anita Tatar Legacy Bursary
Ann Eliza Stafford Bursary
Anna Jean and Ross Baker Award
Anne Bodnarchuk Memorial Award
Anne Home Protti Award
Anne Shaw Hudson Bursary
Annie Bentley Lillie Prize in First Year Calculus
Annie Bentley Lillie Scholarship in Mathematics
Anthony J. Petrina Engineering Bursary
Anthony O. Hendrie Bursary
Applied Rock Mechanics Scholarship
Arthur Child Graduate Fellowship
Arthur Louden Bursary
Arthur Louden Scholarship in Biology
Arthur Louden Scholarship in Chemistry
Arthur Louden Scholarship in Physics
Arthur M. Keppel-Jones Essay Prize
Arthur Mandell Education Bursary
Arthur and James McLaren Memorial Entrance Award
Arts & Science 2002 Award
Arts & Science ThankQ 2004 Bursary
Arts '57 Bursary
Arts '70 Study Abroad Award
Arts '71 Bursary
Arts '73 Bursary
Arts '78 Bursary
Arts 1901 Scholarship in English
Arts 1915 Scholarship
Arts 1950 Scholarship
Arts 1951 Robert Wallace Memorial Award
Arts and Science '97 Bursary
Arts and Science '98 Award
Arts and Science '99 Bursary
Arts and Science 1954 Bursary
Arts and Science 1972 Bursary
Arts and Science 1979 Bursary
Arts and Science Class of 1967 Admission Bursary
Arts, Commerce, PHE 1965 Admission Bursary
Artsci 1993 Undergraduate Bursary
Asger Jenson Lifelong Learner Bursary
BCom 1980 Award
BCom 1991 Award
BCom 1995 Award
BCom `94 Bursary
Bader College - Dalhousie University
Bader College Bursary
Bader Tuition Payment
Bala Family Law Bursary
Balder Entrance Award
Ballik Indigenous Bursary
Bamji International Practicum Placement Award
Ban Righ Centre Bursaries
Ban Righ General Bursary
Barbara C. Pearson Memorial Prize
Barbara C. Pearson Memorial Scholarship
Barbara Escott and John Leroy Memorial Scholarship
Barbara Paul Memorial Award
Barbara Thornton Bursary
Barbara Vance Bursary in Nursing
Barbara Wigle Memorial Bursary
Barbara and James McCowan Scholarship
Beatrice & Harold Cohen Prize in Medical Ethics #1
Beatrice (Steuer) Cohen Award
Beatrice Bryce Memorial Scholarship
Beatrice and Harold Cohen Prize in Medical Ethics
Beresford-Knox Scholarship
Berkley Petroleum Corp. National Award
Bert Wasmund Scholarship for Sustainable Energy Research
Beryl Bracken (Ferguson) Memorial Award in Nursing
Beryl S. Garrett Award in Mathematics
Bethany Qun Yi Yan Memorial Athletic Award
Bethia Stewart Hamilton Award in Music
Betty Harrison Awards for Black Canadian Students
Betty Jean and John M. Bankes National Entrance Awards in the Faculty of Arts and Science
Beverly Pulver Bursary for the Arts
Big Sky Fund by Michael G Sifton and Family
Bill Cannon Scholarship
Biology Award of Excellence
Birch Hill Equity Partners Achievement Award
Blake Cassels & Graydon Prize in Business Association
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Entrance Scholarship
Blakes Scholar Award
Board of Trustees Bursary
Bob "Mully" Mullen Athletic Award
Bob Howes Football Athletic Award
Bob McCormack Athletic Financial Award
Bob McCormack Athletic Therapy Award
Bob McFarlane Golden Gaels Football Award
Bonnie Judge Memorial Bursary
Bowen Graduate Fellowship in Human Geography
Brad Erion Memorial Award
Brenda Vince/Dora Lee Memorial Entrance Award
Brian E. Martin & Matthew V. Malcolm Entrance Scholarship
Brian Sinnott Memorial Model United Nations Burs
Brian Yealland Bursary for International Students
Brison Family Award in Engineering
Brison Family Award in Health Sciences
Bronwyn Keatley Scholarship
Bruce C. McDonald Award
Bruce H. Mitchell International Exchange Award
Bruce Lounds Memorial Award
Bursary For Students With A Disability
Bursary for Visible Minority/Racialized Students
C. Bruce Murphy Award in Applied Science
C. Douglas MacLeod Memorial Scholarship
CAPIC-ACCPI Award of Academic Excellence
CFUW Kingston Club A. Vibert Douglas Award
CIBC Indigenous Renewable Admission Bursary
CMA Foundation COVID-19 - Medical Students
CMA Foundation COVID-19 - Residents
COMMitment Entrance Award
Cairncross Bursary in Civil Engineering
Caldwell Family Bursary
Cameron Applied Science Scholarship
Cameron-Wood Prize
Campbell Memorial Bursaries
Canadian Learning Initiative in China Travel Award
Canadian Medical Association's 150th Anniversary Award
Canadian Medical Association's 150th Anniversary Bursary
Canadian Medical Hall of Fame Award
Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 1302 Bursary
Carl C. Ferguson Bursary
Carnelos-Bamji Memorial Bursary
Carol Black Family Award in Engineering
Carole Kinnear Award
Carrie Mida Memorial Award
Cartwright-Duncan Trust Bursary
Catherine Bell & Kent Brown Awakened Company Award
Catherine Gertrude (Milliken) Smith Memorial Award
Catherine Prado Chamber Music Prize
Cecil Allan Fraser Bursary
Celesta Hibbert Hunter Bursary
Centennial International Exchange Award
Chancellor Jim Leech Bursary for Indigenous Students
Chancellor Lougheed Calgary Admission Award
Charles Bertram Ogden Bursary
Charles C. J. Lorimer Memorial Award
Charles Feldman Student Summer Internship
Charles Frederick Young Bursary
Charles Frederick Young Bursary in History
Charles Frederick Young Entrance Scholarship
Charles R. Senior Bursary in Chemical Engineering
Cheesewright Family Award
Chernoff Family Award - Non Ontario
Chernoff Family Award - Ontario
Chernoff Family Award - Quebec
Chiltern Way Academy Scholarship for Exceptional Education
Chris Fillmore Davis Admission Award
Chris Ingold Memorial Bursary in Chemistry
Christine Smith Award
Christopher Petrie Memorial Scholarship in Physics
Christopher Riggs Administrative Law Scholarship
Clair Bailey Scholarship for Language and Literacy
Claire L. Leggett International Study Award
Clara Farrell Brooke Bursary
Clark Family Entrance Award
Class of '94 Single Parent Undergraduate Bursary
Claude Chapdelaine Bursary for Mature Women
Coleman-Ellis Bursary
Colin Sewards Bursary
Commerce '56 Award
Commerce '66 Bursary
Commerce '72 Award
Commerce '99 Entrance Award
Commerce 1948 Admission Award
Commerce 1954 Entrance Scholarship
Commerce 1974 Exchange Bursary
Commerce 1976 Admission Award
Commerce 1978 Admission Bursary
Commerce 1979 Admission Bursary
Commerce 1981 Entrance Scholarship
Commerce 1984 Memorial Bursary
Commerce 1985 Bursary
Commerce 1986 Award in Memory of Jeffrey Brock
Commerce 1987 Award
Commerce 1988 Award
Commerce 1989 Award
Commerce 1990 Bursary
Commerce 1992 Entrance Award
Commerce 1993 Admission Award
Commerce 1996 Entrance Scholarship
Commerce 2000 Award
Commerce 2001 Admission Award
Commerce 2002 Leadership Entrance Award
Commerce 2006 Bursary
Commerce 2007 Award in memory of Darren James Bishop
Commerce Oportunidad Award
Commerce Society Conference Bursary
Commitment '97 Award
Concurrent Education BFA-BEd Bursary
ConeTec Geotechnical Award
Cornett Scholarships
Cortlandt Mackenzie Bursary
Costa Rica Exchange Award
Costco Canada Admission Award
Craig L. Hoyt Memorial Scholarship
Craig Petter Memorial Award
Criminal Lawyer's Association Award
Curtis Memorial Foundation Scholarship
D. A. and Margaret Grant Scholarship
D. John Naccarato Memorial Award in Law
D. W. Stewart Graduate Fellowship
D. and B. Clark Memorial Schol
D.D.C. McGeachy Distinguished Alumni Entrance Scholarship
D.E. Loney Prize
D.S. Ellis Memorial Award (Non-Monetary)
DP Martin Family Foundation Bursary
Dalton R. Mercer Scholarship
Dame Sylvia Burkinshaw D.St.J., R.N., Award
Dan Lynch Award
Daniel Mark Advocacy Award in Law
Daniel Soberman PhD Scholarship
Daniel Tisch / Argyle Communications Bursary
Danny & Charlatta Ardellini Admission Award
Danny Brannagan Vanier Cup 2009 Award
Danny Norman Blythe Scholarship
Darren N. Costen Award
Dave Black Scholarship-Science & Technology Management
David Alexander Ekdahl Scholarship in History
David Atherton Engineering Physics Award
David Atherton Engineering Physics Design Award
David Bechthold Memorial Bursary
David C. Smith Memorial Fellowship in Economics
David Cox Memorial Award
David Dodge Scholarship in Policy Studies
David Elder Award in Global Public Policy
David Farrell Law '64 Award
David G. Vice Entrance Award
David Gunn Admission Award
David M. Beatty Award
David Mullan Entrance Scholarship
David Sharpe Indigenous Law Student Award
David Weegar Bursary in Commerce
David Woeller Scholarship
David and Pearl Tobias Entrance Scholarship
David and Shelagh Williams Award
Dean Barry Smith Bursary
Dean Bill Flanagan International Studies Award
Dean Smith Applied Science Bursary
Dean of Arts and Science Bursary
Dean's Bursary - Smith Engineering
Deans of Women Memorial Scholarship
Deloitte Global Development Award
Deloitte Global Exchange Award
Denis White Naldrett Memorial Award
Dennis Cole Memorial Bursary
Department of Medicine's Reducing Barriers Bursary
Dhaduk Family Award
Diana Blake Memorial Book Prize
Diane McKenzie Bursary
Dianne Lougheed Graduate Award
Dinsmore Athletic Award for Men's Hockey
Don Krestel Memorial Award
Don Wood Fellowships in Industrial Relations
Don Wood Undergraduate Scholarship in Economics
Don and Bernice Vetter Bursary
Donald B. Lee and Betty N. W. Lee Memorial Award
Donald Gordon Memorial Award
Donald J. Travers Award in Law
Donald Malcolm Smith Scholarship
Donald Swainson Memorial Bursary
Donna B. Rediger Award
Donna G Young Sexsmith International Studies Award
Donna G. Young BA '43 Scholarship
Donna Watts Award
Dora and Beatrice Helmkay Scholarship in Mathematics
Doris Jelly Bursary
Dorothy J W Bell (Reynolds) McCulloch Award in English
Dorothy Matheson Parnell Bursary
Dorothy and Angus Matheson Entrance Award
Doug Bellinger Scholarship in Biomedical Computing
Douglas Cardinal Bursary
Douglas D. Purvis Award
Douglas D. Purvis Prize in Economics
Douglas Fretts Bursary
Douglas Hargreaves Memorial Athletic Award
Douglas Traill Memorial Bursary
Douglas and Myrna Townsend Bursary
Dr Jakub Sawicki Memorial Award
Dr. Arthur Brebner Memorial Award
Dr. Bill and Barbara Leacy Medical Student Bursary
Dr. Bruce McCreary Developmental Disabilities Fund
Dr. Ernest A. Boxall Bursary
Dr. Ernest A. and Edna F. Johnson Bursary
Dr. Ernest J. Wiggins Memorial Award in Chemical Engineering
Dr. Fergus O'Connor Bursary
Dr. G. Harold Ettinger Scholarship
Dr. G. Harold Ettinger Testimonial Bursary
Dr. Gary Diotallevi Memorial Award
Dr. George Callahan Award
Dr. George E. Flanagan Admission Scholarship
Dr. H. Martyn Estall Graduate Award
Dr. Harold Latham Award in Family Medicine
Dr. Heather F. Clarke Nursing Bursary
Dr. Ian Maxwell Gourley Prize
Dr. Isaac Sutton Prize
Dr. J. M. Dunn Bursary
Dr. John A. Percival Bursary
Dr. John Freeman Graduate Bursary
Dr. John Mathews Prize
Dr. Joseph and Mary Louise Parisi Award in Medicine
Dr. Kanji Nakatsu Summer Studentship
Dr. Laurence Hall Civil Engineering Award
Dr. M. Albert Menzies Medical Bursary
Dr. M. Daria Haust Pathology Studentship
Dr. M. Gerald Lynch Awards in Medicine
Dr. Martin W. Chepesiuk Award
Dr. Michael Levison and Family Scholarship
Dr. Michael Mansfield Howell Bursary
Dr. Mustafa K. Alkan Memorial Award
Dr. Patricia A. Radcliffe and Dr. Roland W. Radcliffe Award
Dr. Robert Crandall Prize
Dr. Robert Hudson Memorial Award
Dr. Ronald A. Ferguson Award
Dr. Ronald Calderisi Memorial Bursary
Dr. Rosemary Ofei-Aboagye King Award
Dr. S. L. Fransman Prize in Diagnostic Radiology
Dr. Su-Wen Chang Entrance Scholarship
Dr. Thomas J. Boag Memorial Bursary
Dr. V. David Jayakar Daniel Award
Dr. W. R. Ghent Memorial Bursary
Dr. W.B.F. Mackay Memorial Scholarship
Dr. William Thomas Gaukrodger Bursary
Dr. Wycliffe Lofters Memorial Award
Dr. and Mrs. Frank D. Newell Scholarship
Dr. and Mrs. Sydney P. Schiff Award
Drilling and Blasting Scholarship
Dumas Mining Bursary
Duncan and Michelle Sinclair Foundation CFPDP Burs
Durland Learning Foundation Fellowship
Dyer Awards
E. Shannon Howard Medical Student Bursary
E.C. Brake Bursary in Electrical Engineering
E.M.S. Technologies Scholarship
E.W.Derbyshire Bennett Grad Award
EY Emerging Leader Award
Early '60s Golden Gaels Football Team Award
Edgar Forrester Scholarship in Oral French
Edgar J. Benson/Dr. Clifford A. Curtis Bursary
Edith Houzer Bursary
Edith McLaren Wilson Bursary
Edith Whyte Memorial Scholarship
Edith Whyte Memorial Scholarship in Economics
Edmonton Capital Region Entrance Scholarship
Edna McGill Scholarship
Education '97 Bursary
Education ThankQ Memorial Bursary
Edward H. McLellan Scholarship in Coastal Geotechniques
Edward H. McLellan Scholarship in Soil Mechanics
Elaine Galway Memorial Scholarship
Elaine and Albert Clark Award
Elaine and Walter Viner Award in Music
Eldon Boyd Fellowship
Elisabeth Tremblay Memorial Entrance Award
Elizabeth Holmes and Edwin Burt Memorial Award
Elizabeth Neave Fellowship
Elizabeth Shortt Memorial Alumni Association Bursary
Elizabeth W. Hand Memorial Award in the Smith School of Business (Commerce)
Elizabeth W. Hand Memorial Award in the Smith School of Business (MBA)
Elizabeth Wallace Bursary
Ella Zeitz Bursary
Elspeth Baugh Memorial Bursary
Elwin and Beverley Derbyshire Award
Empire Life Fellowship in Child Health Research
Enbridge Bursary
Eric Hoaken Memorial Bursary in Law
Eric Swan Memorial Scholarship
Eric W. Cross Fellowship in Law
Ethel M. Birkenshaw Award
Eva Adeline Baker Bursary
Eva Steacy Award
Executive MBA Americas Scholarship
Executive MBA Scholarship
F. G. T. Pickard Memorial Award in Earth Sciences
F.K. McKean, Science'40, Prize in Mining Engineering
Faculty Award for Graduate Students in School of Nursing
Faculty of Art sand Science Summer Internship Fund
Fallah Family Bursary
Fanny Mendelssohn Award in Music
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin Mooting Award
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin Scholarship in Civil Procedure
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin Scholarship in Public Law
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin Scholarship in Torts
Florence Elizabeth Gray Salter Bursary
Florence and Harry Mach Bursary
Fran and Peter Thompson Bursary
Frances K. Smith Scholarship in Art History
Frank Tindall Bursary
Franklin Bracken Fellowship
Franklin G. T. Pickard Memorial Bursary
Franklin G. T. Pickard Memorial International Award
Fred Delaney's Last Pro Bono Award
Fred Euringer Award in Drama
Fred Parcher Bursary in Applied Science
Fred and Kay Parcher Bursary in Applied Science
Frederic H. Peters Bursary
Frederick W. Rice Bursary in Civil Engineering
Frederick Welch Bursary
G & C Bursary
G. Kenneth Carr Accounting Scholarship
G. Kenyon Rutherford Award
G. Rattray Scholarship in Economic Geology
G.B. Dyer/Dupont Canada Scholarships
Garton Memorial Graduating Scholarship In Spanish
Garton Memorial Scholarship in Spanish
Gary Gannage Memorial Award
Gault-Eastley Scholarship (Admission)
Gault-Eastley Scholarship (Upper Year)
Genna Mclinden Memorial Award
Geoff Lockwood Memorial Summer Studentship in the Department of Physics, Engineering Physics, and Astronomy
Geoffrey E. Shepherd Memorial Bursary
Geoffrey F. Bruce Doctoral Fellowship in Canadian Freshwater Resources Policy
Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation Master of Management Award
Geoffrey H. Wood Scholarship
Geoffrey Martin Colley Memorial Bursary
George A. Rawlyk Memorial Award
George Christie Design Award
George Forrest Johnston Memorial Bursary
George R. Robertson Scholarship
George W. Bracken Memorial Scholarship
George and Mary Louise Patton Bursary
George and Mary Louise Patton Bursary
George and Mary Turnbull Family Foundation Award
Gerald Finley Bursary in Art
Gierczak Family Scholarship
Glen Chandler Milbourne Memorial Scholarship
Global Health Elective Award
Global Skills Opportunity Award
Gloria Kodra Memorial Award
Goddeeris Family Award
Golden Source International Award
Goodmans LLP Scholarship in Legal Skills
Gordon A. Snider Prize in the History of Technology
Gordon Canning Award in Mathematics
Gordon and Kathryn Baker Bursary
Gordon and Patricia Allen Award
Gowan Foundation Scholarship
Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP Award
Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP Bursary
Grace Adelia Ashbaugh Bursary
Graham F. Saunders Award
Grant Memorial Scholarship
Graywood Developments Award
Gregory Scholarship in Engineering
Grittani-Livingston Family Bursary
Guang-Hua Admission Bursary
Gudewill Athletic Bursary
Gwyn Morgan "Be an Engineer" Bursary
H. Graham Bertram Entrance Award - Smith Engineering
H. Janzen Memorial Scholarship
H. Reginald Watson Award
Halsall Award
Harold Arthur Cohen Book Prizes (Engineering Physics)
Harold Arthur Cohen Book Prizes (Music)
Harold Arthur Cohen Book Prizes (Religious Studies)
Harold Arthur Cohen Bursary
Harold G. Fox Education Fund
Harold Howes Memorial Award
Harold M. Cave Graduate Travel Scholarship
Harold M. Cave Scholarships in Physics
Harold M. Cave Undergraduate Travel Scholarship
Harold R. Steacy Bursary
Harold W. Quinn Scholarship
Harold and Helen Cave Scholarship
Harries Family Bursary
Harry Abramsky Scholarship
Harry Cameron Robinson Bursary
Harry and Ethel Abramsky Award in Music
Hatch Aboriginal Scholars Award
Hatch Award in Applied Science
Heard/McFarlane Award
Heather Hamlin Award in Music
Heather Hamlin Entrance Award in Music
Helen A. Howard Bassoon Scholarship in Music
Helen A. Howard Bassoon Scholarship in Music
Helen Bracken Anderson Bursary
Helen Lucille Allan Memorial Scholarship
Helen Mathers Bursary
Helen Richards Campbell Award
Helen Richards Campbell Memorial Scholarship in Creative Writing
Helena M. Child Prize in English History
Henderson Family Legacy Award
Henderson Scott Liberal Arts Award
Hendrik Onstein Award
Henry Jackson Family Bursary
Henry Kaufman Memorial Prize
Herbert J. Hamilton Memorial Alumni Association Bursary
Herbert and Stella Overton Award in Drama
Herbert and Stella Overton Award in Music
Herman Daams Bursary
Herman Tracy Book Prize in Classics
Hilda Alexina Tait-Rice Bursary
Honourable Mark G. Peacock Sch. Constitutional Law
Horace's Father Bursary
Howard Vance Memorial Book Prize
Hugh Decourcy Memorial Bursary
Hugh Evans Graduate Award in Physics
Hugh Evans Physics Award
Hugh Evans Physics Scholarship
Hugh G. Thorburn Memorial Award
Hugh Parker Memorial Award
Hugh and Bernie Bedore Bursary
Hungerford Family Award
Huntley Macdonald Sinclair Tuition Fellowship
Hutcheson Family Bursary
I. Arthur Schneiderman (Arts 1937) Scholarship
Ian & Carol Friendly Leadership Admission Award
Ian Joseph MacDonald Bursary in Mechanical Engineering
Ian Joseph MacDonald Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering
Ian R. Friendly Marketing Scholarship
Idnani and Reel Award
Indigenous Admission Award
Indigenous Student Bursary - MCU
Indigenous Teacher Education Bursary
Ineke and Henk Wevers Bursary
Insolvency Institute of Canada Scholarship
Investors Group Award
Iranian Student Memorial Scholarship
Irene Joan Ross Bursary
Irene MacRae Memorial Graduate Award
Irene MacRae Scholarship in Mathematics and Statistics
Irving and Regina Rosen Award in Music
Irwin Talesnick Science Education Bursary
Isaac Cohen Scholarship (Engineering)
Isaac Cohen Scholarship in Medicine
Isabel Bader Award For Costume in Drama
Isabelle Brisson Memorial Award
Istvan Prize in Electroacoustics
Istvan and Beate Anhalt Entrance Scholarship
Istvan and Beate Anhalt Scholarship
Ivan T. Beck Research Prize in Digestive Diseases
Ivy Clifton MacDonald Bursary in Nursing
J. Carl King Scholarship
J. D. McCowan Prize in Integrated Learning
J. Delmar Blaine & Ethel G Blaine Scholarship - Graduating with the Highest Standing
J. Delmar Blaine & Ethel G Blaine Scholarship - Graduating with the Second Highest Standing
J. Delmar Blaine & Ethel G Blaine Scholarship - Highest Standing in Year 1,2,3
J. Delmar Blaine & Ethel G Blaine Scholarship - Second Highest Standing in Year 1, 2, 3
J. Gordon Mackay Bursary
J. Paul Kinnear Entrance Scholarship
J.P. Bickell Foundation Bursary
J.P. Bickell Foundation Mining Scholarship
JADE Award
Jacob Malomet Memorial Award
Jacqueline Allard & Burke Paterson Bursary
Jacqueline Hodgins Kelly Bursary
Jaic Weinberg Exchange Award
Jal F. Bamji Memorial Bursary
James (Jim) O. Fenton Bursary
James A. (Jim) Bennett Memorial Award
James D. Canuel Memorial Bursary
James D. Ormond Bursary
James Eickmeier Admission Bursary
James H. Stitt Prize in Poetry
James Medves Award in Chemical Engineering
James R. Carruthers Memorial Scholarship
James Rini Memorial Scholarship
James Robertson Carruthers Memorial Prize in History (MA students)
James Russell Papoe Admission Scholarship
James Walker Wood Award in Nursing
James Walker Wood Scholarship in Medicine
James and Donna Lunau Bursary in Music
James and Donna Lunau Bursary in Religion
Jane Davis Memorial Award
Janet Bilton-Holst Bursary
Janet and Ghazi Farooq Bursary
Janssen Bursary for Equity and Inclusion
Jean Knox and Paul Emmons Family Award
Jean Royce Fellowship
Jean Royce Memorial Bursary
Jean Tucker-Galipeau Bursary
Jeff McGill Graduate Fellow.
Jeff and Carolyn Carney Entrance Award
Jennie S. Cramm Scholarship
Jennifer Maginnis Memorial Scholarship for Woodwinds
Jeremy & Judith Freedman Award for Studies in Israel
Jesse Winters Student Achievement Award
Jessie (Cameron) Chisholm Bursary
Jim Shearn Athletic Award
Jo-anne Marr Nursing Admission Award
Joan Connor Ormont Scholarship
Joan Louise (Crozier) Arkett Bursary
Joan M. Lund Memorial Scholarship
Joan Macdonald McGeachy Entrance Scholarships in Nursing
Joanne Secord Davidson Memorial Scholarship
Joe Norrie Memorial Scholarship
Johanna M. Goldthorpe Memorial Bursary
Johannes Brahms Award in Music
John B. Stirling Bursary
John Brooks Crowe "Pioneer" Memorial Bursary
John Brooks Foundation Scholarship
John C. Hamilton Technology Bursary
John Cameron O Memorial Award in Fine Art
John Deakin Buckley Walton Scholarship in Nursing
John F. Fielding Memorial Bursary
John Farnham Memorial Bursary
John Greer Nicholson Bader College Award
John Larsen Athletic Financial Award
John Miles Hamilton Memorial Bursary
John Nixon Bursary
John O'Neill and Family Bursary
John Puxty Studies in Aging Memorial Bursary
John Rae Prize in Political Studies
John Stark Gillies Scholarship
John Ursell Tutor Award
John W. Bell and Janet S. Bell Memorial Scholarship
John Wong Meds '59 Award in Psychiatry
John and Beverly McKerrow Bursary
John and Daisy Francis Buck Admission Award
John and Eileen Hutton Graduate Student Nursing Award
John and Eileen Hutton Nursing Scholarship
John and Elizabeth Murray Award
John and Elizabeth Murray Scholarship
John and Helen Straiton Bursary
John and Margaret Gilchrist Award
John and Willy Van Gelderen Bursary
Joseph Abramsky Prize
Joseph Henry Davis Memorial Bursary in Applied Science
Joyce Family Foundation Bursary (General Bursary)
Joyce Family Foundation Bursary (Renewable)
Judith Brown Bursary
Judy Ha Memorial Entrance Award
Julia (Gameela) David Admission Award
June Alfred Yee Memorial Bursary
Justin Schwieg Memorial Bursary
Justus Bursary in Health Sciences
KPMG Exchange Award
Karey Jean Duggan (Oliphant) Memorial Bursary
Kate Rocklein Rugby Award
Kathleen McSweeney Memorial Scholarship
Kathleen Ryan Bader College Award
Kathleen Ryan First Year Option Awards
Kathleen Ryan International Exchange Bursary
Kathryn Aleong Bursary in Geography
Katie Gundy Arts '50 Bursary
Kay Wolstenholme Memorial Bursary
Keith "Moon" Flanigan Athletic Financial Award
Ken Dryden/Edward Fletcher Award
Kenneth E. Kraemer Bursary
Kenneth H. McKibbin Bursary
Kenneth Murray Making a Difference through Music
Kevin A. Armstrong Memorial Award
Killam American Scholarship
Kim van Steenbergen (Nursing 1978) Award
Kimco Steel Sales Limited Prize
Kingston Community Award
Kingston Symphony Association Scholarship in Music
Kogi Lon Mayell Memorial Scholarship
Konrad Group Digital Innovation Scholarship
Konrad Group Women in Technology Scholarship
L. M. A. Smith and Evelyn Smith Bursary
L.R. Wilson Public Service Internship Award
Lafarge Eastern Canada Leaders of Tomorrow Bursary
Lance Pattee Memorial Bursary
Larry Gibson Graduate Fellowship
Larry Gibson Medical Student Bursary
Larry J. Lavigne Memorial Bursary
Laudanski Family Bursary
Law '65 Bursary
Law '76 Bursary
Law '97 Bursary
Law 1965 Award
Law 1966 Scholarship in Contract Law
Law 1967 Bursary
Law 1972 Award
Law 1977 Memorial Award
Law 1982 Bursary
Law 1984 Bursary
Law 1985 Award
Law 1986 Bursary
Law 1989 - Halldor K. Bjarnason Bursary
Law 1991 Bursary
Law Society Foundation Bursary
Law Society of Upper Canada Educational Equity Award
Law ThankQ Bursary
Lawrence B. Merrell Award
Lawrence P. Cannon Family Award
Leadership Award for Community Service
Lee Award in Financial Economics
Legal Professionals Education Network Scholarship
Len Morrow Entrance Scholarship in Commerce
Leo & Mary Kenny Memorial Award in Applied Science
Leonard Clarke Elliott Award
Lieutenant Commander Clifton R. Tony Coughlin Bursary
Lila Wilson Bursary
Lin Good Bursary
Lindsay Dale Hudson Memorial Award
Lint Family Student Awards
Lisa McDorman Memorial Award
Liu Shiming Scholarship
Loretta Johnson Scholarships in Spanish
Lori Selkirk Lord Admission Award in Nursing
Lori Selkirk Lord Award in Nursing
Lucas Family Graduate Fellowship
M.A. (Courtney) Hudgin Grad.Sc
M.R. Parrish and M.A. (Henry) Parrish and Family Award
MBA '71 Entrance Bursary
MBA 1991 Exchange Scholarship
MIR Class of 1985 Bursary
Mabel Truax Hamm Scholarship in Biochemistry
MacInnis and Howey Families Ontario Bursary
MacLatchy Environmental Law Internship Fund
MacSween Family Bursary
Mach-Gaensslen Foundation of Canada Studentships
Macklem Family Bursary
Madge Diversity Bursary
Manley B. Baker Scholarship in Geology
Marc D. Rigby Scholarship in Classical Studies
Marco W. Alessio Memorial Men's Basketball Award (Admission Recipients)
Marco W. Alessio Memorial Men's Basketball Award (Renewable Entrance Award)
Marco W. Alessio Memorial Men's Basketball Award (Upper Year Recipients)
Margaret Craig Scholarship in Fine Art
Margaret Farr Scholarship
Margaret Grace Harris Medical Student Bursary
Margaret Hooey Governance Award
Margaret Reynolds (Arts 1939) Bursary
Margaret and Robert Hurley Award
Margaret and Robert Montgomery Scholarship in Arts and Science
Margaret and Robert Montgomery Scholarship in Commerce
Margaret and William Shedden Medical Scholarship
Maria A. Higginson Bursary
Maria A. Higginson Scholarship
Marian Webb Bursary Fund
Marilynne Charters Fuller Award in Philosophy
Marilynne Charters Fuller Scholarship
Marion Edith Dubin Memorial Scholarship in English
Marion Sarah Barr Memorial Bursary
Mark A. Bernstein (Science 1948) Award in Engineering
Mark Howard Pentland Memorial Award
Mark Latham Memorial Award
Mark and Wendy DesLauriers Admission Award
Marni Lithgow de Pencier (Arts '54) Award
Marsha Lampman Alumni Association Bursary
Marshall Laverty Award
Martha J. Crane Bursary
Martin Bursary
Martin Wolff Memorial Prize in Civil Engineering
Marty Memorial Scholarship
Mary A. Keillor Memorial Bursary
Mary Alice Murray Memorial Bursary
Mary Conner Hale Bursary
Mary Joan Dolores Webber Nurse Practitioner Award
Mary Lyons Bursary
Mary and John Barnett Admission Scholarship in the Arts
Masani Scholarship
Master of Finance - Beijing Scholarship
Master of Finance ? Toronto Scholarship
Master of Management Analytics Scholarship
Master of Management Innovation and Entrepreneurship Scholarship
Matt Aaronson and Kate Sanderson Exchange Bursary
Matthew Clifford Deans Bursary
Maureen Ewan Ban Righ Bursary
Maurice Dubin Memorial Prize in Composition
Maurice Pollack Foundation Award
May & Murray Ball Bursary
McCarthy Tetrault LLP Scholarship in Legal Ethics
McCarthy Tetrault LLP Scholarships
McIlquham Foundation Prize in English
McLaughlin Summer Studentship
McLean Family Award in Student Design
McPar Nursing Bursary
McQueen Bursary
Medical Student Research Fund
Medicine 1955 Bursary
Medicine 1956 50th Reunion Bursary
Medicine 1956 Bursary
Medicine 1957 Bursary
Medicine 1962 Bursary
Medicine 1988 Bursary
Medicine 2001 Bursary
Medicine Admission Award
Medicine Admission Award for Black Canadians
Meds '53 Bursary
Meds '58 Memorial Bursary
Meds '63 Bursary
Meds '65 Memorial Bursary
Meds '72 Jack Milliken Bursary
Meds '76 Bursary
Meds '77 Bursary
Meds '89 Bursary
Meds 1954 Bursary
Meds 1959 Bursary
Meds 1961 Jack and Beryl Kerr Bursary
Meds 1964 Memorial Bursary
Meds 1968 Andrew and Margaret Bruce Bursary
Meds 1971 Bursary
Meds 1973 Bursary
Meds 1975 Bursary
Meds 1978 Bursary
Meds 1979 Bursary
Meds 1984 Bursary
Meds 1985 Bursary
Meds 1985 Dan Yeh Bursary
Meds 1987 Bursary
Meds 1992 Bursary
Megan Moores Nutbeem Scholarship
Mehran Bibi Sheikh Memorial Entrance Scholarship
Merle and Philip Koven Bursary
Metis Award
Michael Brown Memorial Award in Oncology
Michael Craig Matangi Memorial Bursary
Michael Joseph Lynch Excellence Award in Medicine
Michael Petrina & Auri Bruno-Petrina Bursary
Michael R.G. Harris Memorial Scholarship
Michael R.G. Harris Memorial Scholarship in History
Michael and Betty Dicketts Award in Music
Michele Mainland Memorial Graduating Scholarship
Michele Mainland Memorial Medal
Michele Mainland Memorial Scholarship
Milada Svaton Neumann Award
Mildred Blackadder/Zonta Club of Kingston Bursary
Miller Thomson LLP National Entrance Scholarship
Milne Family Bursary
Milton and Julie Hess Award
Mining 1988 Scholarship
Miriam Royce Bursary
Mitchell Bursary
Mitchell and Wilda Andriesky Award
Moira Anne (Courtney) Hudgin Graduate Scholarship
Molson Canadian Science of Marketing Award in the Smith School of Business
Monsignor J. G. Hanley Bursary
Monsignor J. G. Hanley Memorial Bursary
Moore-Fairbairn Bursary
Morash Family Bursary
Morley E. Wilson Scholarship
Morrison and Hilary Renfrew Award
Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Hansuld Bursary
Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Howitt Admission Scholarship
Murray Satov Bursary
Murray Satov Memorial Bursary
Nan Skelding Scholarship
Nancy Coxford Nursing Award
Nancy Davies Bursary
Nancy M. Stiles Memorial Award
Nancy Malloy Memorial Award
Nancy Simpson Scholarship in Genetics
Nathan Richard Cowan Memorial Award
Nathan Roth Memorial Award
Nathens, Siegel LLP Scholarship
Neil Yorke-Slader & Nepean All-City Jazz Bursary
Neil and Jean Lund Award
Newton Rowell Entrance Scholarships in Law
Norman Macintosh MBA Entrance Scholarship
Norman Macintosh Memorial Fell
Norman and Gay Loveland Award
Northeastern Chemical Association Scholarship
Northern Canada Nursing Study Award
Nursing 1984 Bursary
Nursing 1999 Award
Nursing Research Award
O.M. Montgomery Award
O.M. Montgomery Award - Admission
OGS in Humanities
Officio Ethics & Professionalism Scholarship
Oldham Family Award
Oliver Alan Myers Webb Bursary
Ollan White Award
Ollan White Graduate Award
Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation Scholarship
Ontario Professional Engineers Gold Medal
Ontario Remembrance Scholarship
Ontario-Ukraine Solidarity Scholarship
Oren A. Earl Bursary
Orica Canada Inc. Scholarship
Orville and Carmel Brown Scholarship
Ottawa Women's Canadian Club Bursary
Ottawa Women's Canadian Club Scholarship
PHE '75 Book Prize
Padfield Award
Padre and Frances Laverty Bursary
Pahle-Whitaker Award in English
Pall Ardal Moral Philosophy Scholarship
Pamela Haslam Bursary
Parrott Foundation Studentship Pilot Program at CCTG
Pat Douglas-Murray Memorial Scholarship
Patricia Bogstad Bursary
Patrick James Duncan Harvie Memorial Bursary
Patrick and Jean Brady Award
Paul Semple Memorial Fellowship
Paul and Linda Lucas Bursary in Medicine
Pauline Schubert Bursary
Peruch Memorial Bursary
Peter & Joanne Kenny Award in Applied Science - Admission
Peter & Joanne Kenny Award in Applied Science - Upper Year
Peter Morrin Prize in Nephrology
Peter N. T. Widdrington Awards
Peter R. B. Armstrong Entrepreneur Entrance Scholarship
Peter and Doreen Howe Memorial Award
Pfizer Warner-Lambert Student Technology Bursary
Phil and Rose Quattrocchi Bursary
Phyllis Mary Robinson Bursary
Phyllis Whitaker Award
Pickles Family Scholarship
Pierre A. Pasquet Memorial Bursary
Pita Pit Bursary in Honour of Nelson Lang
Plumley Family Award For Football
Plumley Family Award in Applied Science
Plumley Family Award in Arts and Science
Plumley Family Award in Law
Plumley Family Award in The School of Business
Plumley Family Award-Physical & Health Education
Pokrupa-Smith Medical Student Bursary
Polycorp Ltd./Kumar Scholarship in Mining Engineering
Poole Award in Women's and Gender Studies
Pound & Richards Family Bursary
Pound Richards Family Ban Righ Bursary
Prangikos Commerce Bursary
Principal Wallace Freedom of Opportunity Award
Principal Wallace Freedom of Opportunity Award (Fees)
Prism Scholarship for Master of Industrial Relations
Professor Arthur Cockfield Memorial Award in Law
Professor C.E. Law Commerce Entrance Scholarship
Professor H.R.S. Ryan Scholarship
Professor John Matheson Scholarship
Professors For A Better Queen's Bursary
Promise Scholars Award
Prudence Austin Scholarship
PwC Diversity and Inclusion Bursary
PwC Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship
QMind Award
QUIP International Tuition Award
Qamar Jehan Hassan Bursary
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Award
Queen's Athletic Excellence Awards
Queen's Emergency Bursary
Queen's Faculty of Law Bursary
Queen's LSS Indigenous Entrance Award
Queen's Law Indigenous Peoples Admission Award
Queen's Medical Student Bursary
Queen's School of English 75th Anniversary Award
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Non- Renewable) - Women's Rugby
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Non-Renewable) - Fencing
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Non-Renewable) - Football
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Non-Renewable) - Men's Basketball
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Non-Renewable) - Men's Hockey
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Non-Renewable) - Men's Rugby
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Non-Renewable) - Men's Soccer
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Non-Renewable) - Men's Volleyball
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Non-Renewable) - Rowing
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Non-Renewable) - Swimming
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Non-Renewable) - Track and Field
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Non-Renewable) - Women's Basketball
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Non-Renewable) - Women's Hockey
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Non-Renewable) - Women's Soccer
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Non-Renewable) - Women's Volleyball
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Renewable) - Fencing
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Renewable) - Men's Basketball
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Renewable) - Men's Hockey
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Renewable) - Men's Rugby
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Renewable) - Men's Soccer
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Renewable) - Men's Volleyball
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Renewable) - Rowing
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Renewable) - Track and Field
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Renewable) - Women's Basketball
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Renewable) - Women's Hockey
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Renewable) - Women's Rugby
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Renewable) - Women's Soccer
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission (Renewable) - Women's Volleyball
Queen's University Athletic Award - Admission - Football
Queen's University Athletic Award - Upper Year - Football
Queen's University Athletic Award - Upper Year - Men's Basketball
Queen's University Athletic Award - Upper Year - Women's Rowing
Queen's University Excellence Scholarship
Queen's University Staff Association Bursary
Quigley Savor Family Bursary
Quon Family Award in Engineering
R. David Ghent Bursary
R. E. Olley Graduate Award
R. H. Clark Applied Science Centennial Scholarship
R. J. Smyth Pipeline Bursary
R. W. Leonard Penultimate Year Scholarship (2nd Year)
R. W. Leonard Penultimate Year Scholarship (Bachelor of Arts)
R. W. Leonard Penultimate Year Scholarship (Bachelor of Science)
R. W. Leonard Prize in Occupational Therapy
R. W. Leonard Prize in Physical Therapy
R. W. Leonard Scholarship in Law
R. W. Leonard Scholarship in Nursing (2nd Year)
R.I. Merritt Bursary
R.L. Dorrance Memorial Scholarship in Chemistry
R.W. Leonard Penultimate Year Scholarship (2nd Year - Bachelor of Arts)
R.W. Leonard Scholarship in Nursing (Highest Standing)
RLS Foundation Dare to Dream Internship
Ralph M. Barford MBA Opportunities Scholarship
Randall Marsh Memorial Scholarship in Voice
Rani Sivanathan Grad. Scholarship Award in Computing
Rebecca Gotlieb Memorial Award
Regina Rosen Award
Rehab.Therapy Soc. Schol. OT
Rehab.Therapy Soc. Schol. PT
Rehabilitation Therapy Class of 1970 Bursary
Remo and Ida Ramella Memorial Award
Res Ipsa Loquitur Bursary
Retirees' Association of Queen's Bursary
Reuben Wells Leonard Penultimate Scholarship (2nd Year Engineering)
Reuben Wells Leonard Penultimate Scholarship (Highest Standing - Engineering)
Reuben Wells Leonard Penultimate Year Scholarship (2nd Year - Medicine)
Reuben Wells Leonard Penultimate Year Scholarship (Third Year)
Reuben Wells Leonard Prize in Mental Health Law
Reuben Wells Leonard Resident Fellowship
Reuben Wells Leonard Scholarship (2nd Year - Commerce)
Reuben Wells Leonard Scholarship (3rd Year - Physical Education)
Reuben Wells Leonard Scholarship (4th Year - Physical Education)
Reuben Wells Leonard Scholarship (Highest Standing - Commerce)
Richard Hand Graduate Award
Richard Hand Graduate Bursary
Richard J. Hand Commerce Award
Richard M. Dale Bursary
Richard McCreary Admission Bursary
Richard S. Malone Memorial Fellowship
Richard and Joan Crowther Admission Bursary
Rick Jackson Scholarship
Rita Friendly Kaufman Memorial Award
Rivard/Prendergast Studentship in History
Robert & Eva (Bertram) Cole Ontario Bursary
Robert & Jane (Halliley) Clapp Admission Bursary
Robert A. Ghent Memorial Scholarship
Robert Bater Award in Jewish Studies
Robert Bruce Bursary
Robert Bruce Scholarship
Robert Bruce Scholarship (Medicine)
Robert Charles Wallace Bursary
Robert F. & Helen G. Cole Bursary
Robert Grant Fellowship in Industrial Relations
Robert Hall Memorial Award
Robert J. Child Admission Scholarship
Robert J. Pritchard Gradudate Fellowship
Robert J. Pritchard Scholarship
Robert L. Dunsmore Admission Bursary
Robert Malcolm McKenzie Bursary in Electrical Engineering
Robert Shotton Memorial Entrance Scholarship
Robert Sutherland - Harry Jerome Entrance Award
Robert Sutherland Memorial Admission Award
Robert Sweezey Memorial Alumni Association Bursary
Robert T. Whillans Award
Robert W. and Marilynne Fuller Award
Robert Wallace Best International Admission Award
Robert William Surgenor Bursary
Robert Wilson and Ann Creighton Southam Memorial Award
Robert and Bella Martin Award
Robert and Eva (Bertram) Cole Canadian Bursary
Robert and June Brayshaw Scholarship
Robert and Margaret Mcintosh Award
Rocklein Reconciliation Nursing Bursary
Roger Graham Fellowship in Modern Canadian History
Roger and Dana Beaman Award
Rolf Lund Award
Roozen Family Commerce Award
Roozen Family MBA Scholarship
Rory MacDonald Memorial Bursary
Ross W. Nicol Memorial Bursary
Ross W. Nicol Memorial Entrance Scholarship
Ross W. Nicol Memorial Graduating Prize
Ross W. Nicol Memorial Scholarship
Rotha Lynne Groom Memorial Bursary
Roxy Denniston-Stewart Memorial Bursary
Russell Everton Hutchinson Award
Russell Payson and Peggy Zafiris Award
Russell W. Thompkins Memorial Award in Mining Engineering
Russell Williams Studentship in Medical Ethics
Ruth Harriet McKenzie Bursary
Ruth Jerrett Award in Nursing
Rutherford-Noel Family Award
Sadako and Michio Hayashi Award
Samuel Springer Scholarship
Samworth Advocacy Prize
Santina Vendra Bursary
Sarah Molinski O'Connor Bursary
Sarah Murray Scholarship
Sarah and Henry Scott Memorial Prize
Scarthingmoor PhD Prize in Economics
Sceptre Investment Counsel Limited Award
School of Nursing 25th Reunion Award
School of Nursing Undergraduate Bursary
School of Rehabilitation Therapy Graduate Bursary
Schulich Leader Scholarship
Schweitzer Family Bursary
Science '44 Memorial Prize
Science '45 Memorial Scholarship - 1st Year
Science '45 Memorial Scholarship - 2nd Year
Science '48 George A. Jewett Entrance Bursary in Applied Science
Science '48 S. N. Graham Award
Science '54 Bursary
Science '71 Norman Fritz Memorial Award
Science '89 Bursary
Science '95 Bursary in Applied Science
Science '99 Award
Science 1928 Bursary
Science 1944 Entrance Bursary in Applied Science
Science 1945 Memorial Bursary
Science 1946 Memorial Bursary
Science 1947 Entrance Bursary
Science 1948 1/2 Mature Student Entrance Bursary
Science 1948 Award
Science 1950 Entrance Bursary
Science 1951 Entrance Bursary
Science 1956 Entrance Bursary in Applied Science
Science 1957 Key Bursary
Science 1958 Admission Bursary in Applied Science
Science 1959 Admission Award
Science 1961 Entrance Bursary
Science 1963 Bursary
Science 1963 Ontario Bursary
Science 1965 Entrance Award
Science 1966 Bursary
Science 1968 Admission Bursary in Applied Science
Science 1972 50th Reunion Award
Science 1977 Entrance Bursary in Applied Science
Science 1982 Award in Applied Science
Science 1984 Admission Award
Science 1991 Admission Award
Science 1997 Bursary
Science 2003 ThankQ Bursary
Scotiabank Award
Scotiabank Commerce Student Award
Scotiabank Group Accessibility Bursary
Scotiabank Group Scholarship of The Americas
Scotiabank Innovators Scholarship
Scotiabank/Queen's University Leadership Awards
Scrymgeour Scholarship in Commerce
Sheldon McDonell Memorial Bursary
Sherrard Kuzz LLP Scholarship in Labour, Employment and Administrative Law
Sherri Campbell Memorial Award
Sherry Mackey Memorial Bursary
Shirley C. Kennedy Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Shirley Simpson Memorial Bursary
Shirley and Mortimer Abramsky Award in Music
Silvia Light Bursary in Mechanical Engineering
Simon McNally Bursary in Civil Engineering
Smith 30% Club EMBA Scholarship
Smith Engineering 125th Anniversary Scholarship
Smith Engineering Entrance Bursary
Smith Engineering International Admission Award
Smith Engineering Upper Year Bursary
Sobey Atlantic Award
Spaidal Bursary in Arts and Science
Stanley F. Leavine Scholarship
Stanley T. Chown Memorial Scholarship
Stanley Trzop Jr. Award
Stantec Award in Civil Engineering
Stephanie Deutsch Award
Stephanie Lane "Pink Shoes" Memorial Award
Stephanie Simpson Bursary
Stephen Damp Memorial Award
Stephen J. R. Smith Bursary
Stephen Shamie Athletic Award
Stephen and Toby Foord Bursary
Steve and Irene Groch Awards
Stevenson Bursary
Stewart Fyfe Admission Scholarship
Strathaven Indigenous Scholars Award
Students Helping Students Award
Sumner Women's Cross Country/Track Athletic Award
Susan E. Phillips QuARMS Access Scholarship
Susan Elizabeth Hudson Bursary
Susan Elizabeth Phillips Access Scholarship
Susan Elizabeth Phillips Bursary in Medicine - Undergraduate
Susan Elizabeth Phillips Graduate Award
Susan Elizabeth Phillips Scholarship in Medicine (PGME)
Susan J. Serena Scholarship
Susan Near Bursary
Susan Nelles Scholarship
Susan W. Smith Entrance Scholarship
Sutton Awards in the Smith School of Business
Sutton Bursaries
Sutton International Study Award
Sutton Scholarship for Higher Education
Suzan Major Memorial Scholarship
Sylvain Routhier Memorial Award
Sylvia C. Small Award in Piano Accompaniment
T. Kurtis Kyser Memorial Scholarship
T. R. Sullivan Memorial Prize in Surgery
TD Bank Financial Group Bursaries
TD Bank Financial Group Graduate Fellowship in Arctic Environmental Issues
Ted and Adrienne Goldthorpe Admission Award
Telgmann Bursary
The "Queen's Gang" Award
The 1960's Chemistry Scholarship
The 1970 Women's Hockey Championship Athletic Award
The 2 +2 Scholarships
The 3M Canada Incorporated Bursaries
The A. Colin and Merylin E. McKinley Bursary
The A. Dawson Matheson Scholarship
The A. J. Douglas Prize in Community Health and Epidemiology
The A.E. Segsworth Prize
The A.J. McNab Scholarship
The A.J. and Margaret Grant Bursary
The A.M. Robertson Bursary
The A.V. Corlett Memorial Bursary
The A.Z. Arthur Book Prize
The ACC Bursary
The ACFE Foundation's Ritchie-Jennings Memorial
The AMS Accessibility Queen's Bursary
The AMS Indigenous Students Award
The AMS Membership Bursary
The AMS Sesquicentennial Bursary
The AMS/SGPS Out-of-City Healthcare Travel Bursary
The ASUS Membership Bursary
The ATF Bursary for the Disabled
The ATMI Force & Motion Foundation
The AUCC CN Graduate Scholarship
The Abrahams Prize in Physiology
The Adam Shortt Scholarship in Political Studies
The Adelaide Haggart Bursary
The Agilent Technologies Excellence in Teaching Award
The Agnes McLachlan Scholarship
The Agnes and George Minielly Bursary
The Alan Bauer Memorial Prize in Mining Engineering
The Alban H. Norton Entrance Scholarship
The Albert John Smith Award
The Alberta Scholar at Queen's Law Scholarship
The Alex E. MacRae Scholarship
The Alexander & Ian Vorres Hellenic Travel Bursary
The Alexander Maclachlan Peace Prize
The Alexander Macphail Scholarship
The Alexander and Alexina Reid McLeod Scholarship
The Alexander and Alexina Reid Mcleod Scholarship
The Alexander and Cora Munn Summer Research Award
The Alfred Bader Graduate Fellowship in Art
The Alice J. Baumgart Outstanding Achievement Award
The Alice Pierce Waddington Scholarship in Civil Engineering
The Alice Pierce Waddington Scholarship in English
The Alice Pierce Waddington Scholarship in History
The Alice Pierce Waddington Scholarship in Medicine
The Alumni National Scholarship
The Alvera Salute Lundquist Memorial Scholarship
The Alvin Craig Ross Memorial Scholarship in Mineral Processing (Second Year)
The Alvin Craig Ross Memorial Scholarship in Mineral Processing (Third Year)
The Andre Bieler Prize
The Andrew Halkett Fellowship
The Andrew McGhie Prize in Psychology
The Andrew R McCulloch Award in Electrical and Computer Engineering
The Ann Adamson Scholarship in Psychology
The Anna C. Hayward Prize in Canadian Studies
The Anna May Macintyre Scholarship
The Anne Gertrude O'Farrell Award in Engineering
The Anne Gertrude O'Farrell Prize in First Year Geography
The Anne Smith Memorial Entrance Scholarship
The Armstrong Bursary
The Arnold J. Noftall Bursary
The Art Conservation Student Travel Award
The Arthur L. Davies Scholarship in Music
The Arthur Smith Bursary in Mechanical Engineering
The Arthur and Evelyn Lower Graduate Fellowship
The Arthur and Evelyn Lower Scholarship
The Arts & Science 2003/Eileen Krieger Award
The Arts '49 Principal Wallace Fellowship
The Arts/Commerce 1944 Scholarship
The Associated Medical Services/Boyd Upper Award
The Athletic Student Bursary
The Auto21 Highly Qualified People Testdrive Prize
The Award for Graduate Students with Disabilities
The Award for Incoming Study Abroad Students
The BISC Experiential Learning Award
The BISC Global Law Scholarship
The Babcock & Wilcox Bursary in Mechanical Engineering
The Baker & McKenzie Labour and Employment Law Scholarship
The Baker and McKenzie Award
The Bamji Award in Art Conservation
The Bank of Montreal Award
The Bank of Montreal National Award
The Barbara Crook Scholarship (Endowed)
The Barbara Crook Scholarship (Expendable)
The Barbara Crook Scholarship in English
The Barbara Palk Award
The Barbara Paul Prize
The Barkley Scholarship
The Barrick Gold Corporation Graduate Fellowship
The Barsky Prize in Ophthalmology
The Battat-Steffensen Commerce '78 Dare to Dream Internship
The Bayne Sellar Ertel Carter Award
The Beatrice and Harold Cohen Award in Engineering
The Beatrice and Harold Cohen Award in Medicine
The Beatrice and Harold Cohen Award in Psychology
The Beattie Bursary
The Ben Kropp Prize in Anatomy
The Benjamin Charles Hardiman Bursary
The Bereskin & Parr Prize in Patent Law
The Bethia Best West Scholarship
The Betsy (Sparrow) Clarke Bursary
The Betty Harrison Award for Black Canadian Students (Renewable)
The Beverly M. Blackwell Memorial Prize
The Birch Hill Equity Partners Award
The Blakeley Student Award
The Blakely Family International Study Award (BISC)
The Blakely Family International Study Award (Exchange)
The Bob Henry Award
The Bob Pritchard Rugby Award
The Brad J. Lamb Condominium Award
The Bradshaw Errington Bursary
The Brian R. Shelton Graduate Fellowship
The Bronwen Wallace Bursary
The Brooks Family Bursary
The Bruce Gordon McIver Memorial Bursary
The Bruce Mitchell Academic Leadership Award
The Bruce and Janet Elliott Graduate Award in Transdisciplinary Cancer Research
The Bruce and Verna Vowles Bursary
The Bryan George Blair Memorial Prize
The Bursary For Studies in Africa
The Business Forecasting Luncheon Award
The C. Franklin and Helene K. Bracken Memorial Scholarship in Nursing
The C. Kathleen Munn Award
The C. Lawrence Brown Scholarship
The C. Thomas Asplund Memorial Award in Legal Ethics
The C.A. Curtis Prize
The C.G. Prado Thesis Prize
The C.J. Hicks Fellowship
The C.S. Burton Entrance Scholarship
The C.W. Marshall Memorial Award
The CIHR Doctoral Research Award
The CIHR Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship
The CMC Electronics Scholarship
The Calgary Science Fair Award
The Callum Dagnone Memorial Prize in Pediatrics
The Camelford & White Memorial Entrance Award
The Can. Student Hth Research Forum CIHR Award
The Canadian Friends Hebrew University of Jerusalem Award
The Canadian Officers Traning Corps (C.O.T.C.) Bursaries
The Canadian Society For Chemical Engineering Bursary
The Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists
The Carl Reinhardt Entrance Scholarship in Physics
The Carl Reinhardt Fellowship
The Carl Reinhardt Scholarship
The Carl Reinhardt Scholarships
The Caroline (Cairnie) Jenkins Memorial Prize
The Caroline Mitchell Bursary
The Carolyn F. Small Memorial Award for Design Innovation
The Cassels Brock & Blackwell Centennial Award in Practice Skills
The Cassels Brock and Blackwell Centennial Award in Constitutional Law and Human Rights
The Catharine E. Abbott Little Entrance Award
The Catherine Brown Essay Prize
The Catherine McGann Memorial Prize in French
The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Admission Bursary
The Cecil Reid Patience Fellowship
The Certificate in Business Scholarship
The Certified General Accountant Award
The Chancellor C.A. Dunning Prize in Economics (Medal)
The Chancellor C.A. Dunning Prize in Economics (Thesis)
The Chancellor C.A. Dunning Scholarship in Commerce
The Chancellor C.A. Dunning Scholarship in Political Studies
The Chancellor's Scholarship
The Chaplain Trust Fund - Bursaries
The Chaplain's Bursary
The Charles Ambrose Poynton Memorial Award
The Charles W. Drury Scholarship
The Chemical Engineering Alumni Bursary
The Chen-Aronson Graduate Research Fellowship
The Chief Justice McRuer Essay Prize in Constitutional Law
The Chipman Massey Drury Memorial Award
The Christine Morin Fellowship
The Christopher Leuchter Memorial Award
The Christopher Lewis Prize in Music
The Christopher Lounds Bursary
The Christopher R. Bennett Memorial Award
The Chubb Insurance Company Bursary
The Churchill Bursary for International Students
The Churchill Bursary for Local Youth
The Churchill First Generation Admission Award
The Clarkson Essay Prize
The Clifford Crawley Music Composition Scholarship
The Clifford M. Brown Discovery Travel Award
The Clifton Campbell MacKinnon & Barbara Clair Adsit MacKinnon Prize in Mechanical Engineering
The Cochrane Family Admission Award
The Cogeco Scholarship
The Colette Tonge Bursary
The Collection Canadian Dress
The Commerce 1974 Exchange Bursary
The Commerce 2004 Award
The Commerce 2005 Admission Award
The Commerce 2008 Exchange Bursary
The Commerce 2009 Award in Memory of Baha Bekenov
The Commerce 2011 Award in Memory of Simon Deng
The Commerce Society Award
The Community Commitment Award
The Community Foundation of Greater Kingston
The Conference Travel Award (CTA)
The Conn-Gilbert Award for Excellence in Engineering
The Contec Graduate Awards in Geoengineering
The Cora E. Hewitt Scholarship in Nursing
The Cora E. Hewitt Scholarship in Occupational Therapy
The Cora E. Hewitt Scholarship in Physical Therapy
The Craig Jury Memorial Summer Studentship in Cancer Research
The Craigie Fellowship (Doctoral Fellowship)
The Craigie Fellowship (Master's Fellowship)
The Craine Professor Scholarship
The Cyril W. Knight Scholarship
The D & R Sobey Atlantic Scholarship - final year of disbursements 21-22
The D & R Sobey MBA Scholarship - 3/25/21 - MBA Scholarship discontinued by SCSSA
The D.D. Monieson Doctoral Fellowship
The D.D. Monieson MBA Scholarship
The D.D. Monieson Undergraduate Scholarship
The D.I. McLeod Dean's List Scholarship
The D.I. McLeod Dean's List With Distinction Scholarship
The D.I. McLeod Fellowship
The D.M. Jemmett Award
The D.T. Smith Prize in Pharmacology
The DAAD Tuition waiver
The Dance Club Award
The Daniel Grey Watt Bursary
The Daniel MacTavish Baker Scholarship
The Danielle Polk Memorial Award
The David A. Gillies & Jessie Herchmer Gillies Bursary
The David Downey Bursary
The David Edward Mundell Prize in Orthopaedic Surgery
The David F. and Sylvia L. Cassillis Bursary
The David L. Lindsay Award Public Policy Studies
The David Money Memorial Fund
The David Parkes Scholarship in Applied Science
The David R. McDougall Memorial Scholarship
The David Sabbath Scholarship
The David Thomas Teaching Assistant Award
The David Warren Rutherford Bursary
The Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg Prize in Corporations and Taxation
The Day Prizes in Physics and Mathematics
The De Beers Canada Awards in Mining Engineering
The De Beers Faye Logan Memorial Award
The Dean Fowler Prize
The Dean Margot Northey Entrance Scholarship
The Dean's Admission Scholar. for Bachelor of Science
The Dean's Admission Scholarship for Bachelor of Arts
The Dean's Award
The Dean's Entrance Bursary in Arts and Science
The Dean's Scholars Entrance Bursary
The Dean's Special Award
The Debating Entrance Scholarship
The Deborah Louise Healey Memorial Award
The Delcan Corporation Scholarship in Engineering & App Sci
The Denny Hutner Pollock Bursary
The Denys T. Roberts Prize
The Department of Biochemistry Bursary
The Department of Chemistry Bursary
The Department of Chemistry Teaching Assistant Award
The Department of Classics Travel Grant
The Department of Drama Production Award
The Department of Economics Bursary
The Department of Gender Studies Bursary
The Department of Geography Graduate Fellowship
The Department of Mathematics & Statistics Bursary
The Department of Physiology Bursary
The Department of Religious Studies Award
The Departmental Payment
The Dept of German Scholarship For Study in Germany
The Derek Russell Award For Excellence in Marketing
The Derek Russell Award in Operations/Information Tech
The Din Lal Teaching Assistant Award
The Disabled Students' Bursary
The Discretionary Conference Award
The Doctor Iris May Marsh Memorial Award
The Don Wright Scholarship in Music Education
The Don Wright Scholarship in Vocal & Choral Music
The Don and Anna Kennedy Admission Award
The Donald C. and Cornelia N. Elliott Award
The Donald Defrayne Macintosh Award
The Donald Gow Founder's Medal
The Donald Matthews Award in SPS
The Donald R. Dorrance Entrance Award
The Donald S. Rickerd Fellowship in Canadian-American Studies
The Donna Finley Entrance Award
The Donna Frazer Gobin Scholarship in Music (Entrance)
The Donna Frazer Gobin Scholarship in Music (Upper Year)
The Donovan Brown Scholaship in Applied Science
The Dora and Beatrice Helmkay Prize in Mathematics
The Doris M. (Morphy) Clark Bursary
The Doris Noftall Bursary
The Dorothy Riches Scholarship
The Dorothy Warne Chambers Memorial Fellowship
The Dorothy Wilson Symons Scholarship
The Dorrance Family Award
The Doug & Nancy McFadden International Exchange Award
The Douglas & Catherine McIntosh Scholarship
The Douglas Arthur de Pencier Bursary
The Douglas Freel Entrance Bursary
The Douglas Gould Anglin Memorial Bursary
The Douglas Sheppard Wilson Fellowship
The Douglas and Deborah McCutcheon Award
The Dr. A. Vibert Douglas Scholarship
The Dr. Avi Wallerstein Award in Ophthalmology
The Dr. Ben Brachman Scholarship
The Dr. Ben Finkelstein Memorial Bursary
The Dr. Ben Finkelstein and Family Bursary
The Dr. Cecil Reid Patience Bursary
The Dr. Chilvers Gooch Scholarship
The Dr. Clair Johnston Locke Memorial Bursary
The Dr. Claude H. Vipond Award
The Dr. Ernest C. Armstrong Prize
The Dr. Fred Allan Vokes Memorial Award
The Dr. George L. Edgett Memorial Scholarship in Statistics
The Dr. Gerald and Marion Marks Award in Pharmacology and Human Toxicology
The Dr. Gladys R. Munnings Bursary
The Dr. James Brown MacDougall Bursary
The Dr. Jennie Gillespie Drennan Medical Scholarship
The Dr. Jeremy Nesheim Memorial Award in Biochemistry
The Dr. K.A. Clendenning Memorial Award
The Dr. Kenneth W. and Janet R. Neatby Bursary
The Dr. Kimberly A. Woodhouse Fellowship
The Dr. Louis J.M. Tremblay Bursary
The Dr. Malcolm D. Kinsella and Ruth Kinsella Memorial Award
The Dr. Marc L. Smith Memorial Summer Studentship in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
The Dr. Michael Chan Award in General Surgery
The Dr. Mona Mulligan Medical Bursary
The Dr. Osler Briggs Dickinson Scholarship
The Dr. Paul N. Manley Award
The Dr. Richard H. Gray Memorial Award
The Dr. Richard Milner Resident Award
The Dr. Robert John Wilson Bursary
The Dr. Robert John Wilson Entrance Scholarship
The Dr. Robert John Wilson Graduate Fellowship
The Dr. S.S. Robinson Summer Studentship in Family Medicine
The Dr. Sam Cronk (Medicine 1915) Memorial Bursary
The Dr. Sanjay Sharma Clinical Resident Award
The Dr. Sarah Prichard Scholarship in Medicine
The Dr. Shirley Taylor Memorial Scholarship
The Dr. Stanley H. and Mildred E. Perkins Bursary
The Dr. Stanley Harwood McCuaig Scholarship
The Dr. Su-Wen Chang Bursary
The Dr. W.E.L. Smith Bursary
The Dr. W.H. Cole Bursary
The Dr. Wallace Graham Breck Memorial Prize in Engineering Chemistry
The Dr. William Cornett Memorial Bursary
The Dr. William H. Nichols Prize in Chemistry 112
The Dr. William Moffat Prize
The Dr. William Nichols Prize in Analytical Chemistry
The Duncan & Urlla Carmichael Graduate Fellowship
The Duncan Byron MacTavish Scholarship
The E. Gay Mitchell Graduate Fellowship in Finance
The E. Muriel Hosking Smith Bursary
The E. Stanley and Nadine Beacock Scholarship
The E. Stanley and Nadine M. Beacock Bursary
The E.B. Wilson Memorial Prize in Mining Engineering
The E.C.(Al) Speers Fellowship Geological Engineering
The E.D. Merkley Prize in Mathematics 121
The E.G. Bauman Fellowships
The E.L. Bruce Memorial Scholarship
The E.T. Sterne Prize
The Econ Trust Skelton Clark884051
The Edgar Forrester Prize in Medicine
The Edgar Forrester Scholarship (2nd Highest in Medicine Year 1)
The Edgar Forrester Scholarship (2nd Highest in Medicine Year 2)
The Edgar Forrester Scholarship (2nd Highest in Medicine Year 3)
The Edgar Forrester Scholarship (Entrance to Medicine)
The Edgar Forrester Scholarship (Highest in Medicine Year 1)
The Edgar Forrester Scholarship (Highest in Medicine Year 2)
The Edgar Forrester Scholarship (Highest in Medicine Year 3)
The Edgar Forrester Scholarship (Highest in Medicine Year 4)
The Edgar Forrester Scholarship-(2nd Highest in Medicine Year 4)
The Edna Mcgill Prize in Physics
The Edward Somppi Award
The Edward and Nancy Nash Scholarship
The Edwin C. Connolly Award
The Edythe Zacks Millman Prize
The Eleanor A. Smith Prize in Spanish
The Eleanor Kelly Memorial Award
The Eleanor Rowley Ingraham Admission Scholarship
The Eleanor Rowley Ingraham Scholarship in Chemistry
The Eliza Fitzgerald Prize
The Elizabeth A. MacMaster Award
The Elizabeth and Hilda Laird Scholarship in German
The Ellen Wilson Buzek Fellowship
The Elliott Travel Fellowships in Education
The Elliott/Galasso Entrance Award
The Emil Nenniger International Exchange Scholarship
The Empire Life Scholarship
The Endeavour Silver Corp. Graduate Award
The Endeavour Silver Corp. Scholarship
The Engineering Chemistry Industry Scholarship
The Environmental Law Award
The Environmental Studies Graduate Scholarship
The Environmental Studies Scholarship
The Eric Horsey May Scholarship
The Eric R. and Lorraine Davis Memorial Scholarship
The Erie Todd Award
The Ernst & Young Prize in Accounting
The Ernst Loeb Memorial Graduate Scholarship
The Ernst Loeb Memorial Scholarship in German
The Erwin Buncel Scholarship in Organic Chemistry
The Evelyne Laishley, Arts '35 Entrance Award
The Exchange Study Bursaries - Non-On
The Exchange Study Bursary-Domestic Students
The Expo '86 Award
The Exshaw Family International Exchange Bursary
The F. Banting and C. Best Canada Graduate Scholarship
The F.M. Gauchie Award
The F.W. Minkler Award
The Faculty of Education Bursary
The Faculty of Law Bursary
The Faculty of Law Dean's Council Diversity Awards
The Farlinger Bursary
The Federau Kreel MBA Scholarship
The Feminist Jurisprudence Award
The Fifth Field Company Prize
The Fisher Scientific Award
The Flora Shannon Andrews Memorial Bursary
The Flossie May Bogart Scholarship
The Fluor Canada Ltd. Scholarship
The Food Assistance Fund
The Fran and Tom McClung Scholarship (Biology)
The Fran and Tom McClung Scholarship (English)
The Francis H. Milazzo Prize in Microbiology and Immunology
The Frank B. Lee Memorial Scholarship in Engineering
The Frank Collom Memorial Entrance Bursary
The Frank Collom Memorial Graduate Award
The Frank DeWitt Scholarships
The Frank E. Smith Fellowship
The Frank G. Pollard Bursary
The Frank J. Fowler Award
The Frank S. Pichler Memorial Scholarship
The Frank Wyatt MacLean Graduate Fellowship
The Franklin & Helene Bracken Scholarship in Medicine
The Franklin and Helene Bracken Fellowship
The Frazer Smith Scholarship
The Fred Lamble Bartlett Memorial Award
The Frederica McCulloch Award in Latin
The Frederica McCulloch Scholarship in Latin
The Frederick Boyd Prize
The Frederick Henry Lougher Scholarship
The Frederick I.L. Dyke Bursary
The Frederick J. Wright Prize in Anaesthesia
The Frederick W. Gibson Prize in Canadian History
The Frederick and Christopher Ansley Scholarship
The French Exchange Scholarship
The French Exchange Scholarship (Incoming Students)
The Fulton Memorial Prize
The G. & S. Ballard Award Sustainable Energy Engineer.
The G. Joseph Cooper Scholarship
The G. Neilson Whyte Graduate Fellowship
The G.E. Ted Courtnage Entrance Bursary
The G.E. Ted Courtnage Graduate Award in Engineering
The G.G. Baron Vanderfeltz Prize
The G.Millington/J.Stroud Graduate Award Physics
The Garnet Grills Award
The Garton Memorial Award For Study Abroad (discontinued Feb 2023)
The Garton Memorial Graduating Award For Continuing Studies (discontinued Feb 2023)
The General Bursary
The Geneva Misener Entrance Scholarship
The Geneva Misener Scholarship in Social Sciences
The Geological Science Bursary
The George C. Bateman Memorial Fellowship
The George E. Marshall Bursary
The George Forrest Johnston Memorial Scholarship
The George H. Newsome Award in Mining Engineering
The George Hopper MacGillivray Scholarship
The George L. Cooke Admission Award
The George M. Hood (Sc'43) Award
The George Macbeth Milligan Fellowship
The George N. Maybee Memorial Scholarship in Music
The George Norman Leipnik Award in International Legal Studies
The George Norman Leipnik Award in Professional Responsibility and Skills Training
The George R. Finlay Bursary
The George Thomas Warren Bursary in Applied Science
The George Thomas Warren Scholarship-Computer Engineering
The George Thomas Warren Scholarship-Computing Science
The George Tsikos Scholarship
The George and Lilian Coleman Taylor Bursary
The George and Lilian Coleman Taylor Scholarship
The George and Mary Louise Patton Scholarship
The George and Ruth Toller Graduate Award
The Gerald and Aileen Weaver Memorial Bursary
The German Academic Exchange Scholarship
The Gilmour Prize in Biochemistry
The Gilmour Prize in Physiology
The Gladys Munnings Memorial Award in English
The Gladys R. Munnings Bursary in Education
The Global Law Scholarship
The Golden Gaels Football Award (Upper Year)
The Gordon Bell Fellowship in Transformative Mining
The Gordon Wallace Swan Memorial Fellowship
The Gordon and Myrtle Adams Bursary
The Gowan Foundation No. II Prize
The Gowan Foundation No. III Prize
The Grace L. Boileau Graduate Award
The Graduate Dean's Travel Grant Doc. Field Research
The Graduate Entrance Tuition Award
The Graduate Student Bursary
The Graduate Student Bursary (Ont-No_Osap)
The Graduate Student Bursary (Ont-OSAP)
The Graduate Student Bursary - Non Ontario
The Graham Family Commerce Admission Bursary
The Graham George Memorial Prize in Composition
The Graham Newsome Memorial Award in Music
The Grattan O'Leary Prize in Canadian History
The Gray Graduate Fellowship in Canadian Art
The Great-West Life Scholarship
The Great-West Life School of Medicine Studentship
The Greg Hulse Memorial Soccer Athletic Financial Award
The Greg LeBlanc Entrance Award
The Groll Scholarship in Clinical Studies
The Guelph Alumni Entrance Award
The Gwen Keough Memorial Scholarship
The H. Arnold Cowan Scholarship
The H. Carl Goldenberg Scholarship in Industrial Relations
The H. George McKenzie, QC Scholarship in Taxation
The H. M. Edwards Memorial Award in Transportation Engineering
The H. R. Stuart Ryan Fellowship in Law
The H.W. Curran Prize
The Hajee Family Travel Fellowships in Education
The Hal Parker Memorial Bursary
The Halsall Industry Partnership Award
The Hannah Washburn Polson Prize
The Harry Abramsky Prize in Hebrew
The Harry F. and Florence W. Stirk Bursary
The Harry Isaacs Memorial Graduate Scholarship
The Harry R. Buckles Memorial Award
The Harry S. Southam Scholarship
The Harry W. Hilborn Memorial Prize in Spanish
The Harvey Fine Memorial Bursary
The Heenan Blaikie LLP Scholarship
The Helen Arlis Denyes Scholarship
The Helen Chan Memorial Scholarship
The Helen E. Dwyer Memorial Scholarship
The Helen McLeod Reeve Scholarship
The Helen Nininger Memorial Scholarship in Fine Art
The Helen Talcott Medhurst Bursary
The Helen and Ralph Cleland Prize
The Henry Albert Beatty Fellowship
The Herbert F. Malcolm Award
The Herman K. Walter Award
The Herman K. Walter Graduate Award
The Hilda C. Laird Scholarship
The Ho Ming Tai Memorial Scholarship
The Honorable Hugh F. Gibson Memorial Award
The Honorable Ray Lawson Award
The Honourable Ray Lawson Scholarship
The Horgan Family Award
The Hugh Rose Scholarship in Mathematics
The Hugh W. Bryan Memorial Scholarship
The Huntley Macdonald Sinclair Travelling Scholarship
The Ian A. Macleod Award
The Ian M. Drum Scholarship
The Ian and Estelle Vessie Bursaries
The Ian and Estelle Vessie Entrance Bursaries
The Ian and Maureen Dawson MBA Scholarship
The Ian and Pat Fraser Family Scholarship
The Ida Mmari Memorial Award
The Ik Onkar Award
The Industrial Relations Prize
The Ingenium Group/Joe Dominik Scholarship
The Institution-Funded Special Bursary
The International Entrance Scholarship
The International Student Bursary
The International Student Bursary (Summer)
The International Tuition Award
The Isabel Bader Bursary in Textile Conservation
The Isabel Brown Buchanan Award in Classics
The Isabella MacRae Scholarship
The Isobel McConville Essay Scholarship in Surgery (Top 2nd Essay)
The Isobel McConville Prize in Gynaecology
The Isobel McConville Scholarship in Surgery (Best Essay)
The Iva Speers Fellowship in Art History
The J. Alex Edmison Bursary
The J. Allan Donaldson Prize in Geology
The J. Bolton and Kathleen Slack Scholarship
The J. Herbert Cameron Scholarship in Classics
The J. Nelson Gibson, B.Sc., Memorial Prize
The J.A. Bombardier Humanitarian Engineering Fellow.
The J.B. Keddie Memorial Bursary
The J.C. Gwillim Prize
The J.D. Hatcher Award
The J.E. Hawley Memorial Bursary
The J.J. Denny Graduate Fellowship
The J.J. Denny Memorial Scholarship
The J.J. Denny Memorial Scholarship in Geological Engineering
The J.J. Russell Memorial Scholarship in Philosophy
The J.W. Saxton Prize in Playwriting
The Jack Grant Memorial Entrance Scholarship
The Jaganathan Muraleenathan Book Prize in Philosophy
The James A. Roy Memorial Scholarship in English
The James Bocking Prize in Economics
The James Cappon Memorial Prize in English
The James Carrigan Walls Scholarship
The James Gordon Brown Scholarship
The James H. Rattray Mem. Scholarship. in Applied Science
The James H. Rattray Memorial Bursary
The James H. Rattray Scholarship in Science
The James Henry Bocking Memorial Scholarship in History
The James Hickey Memorial Prize
The James Inglis Prize
The James Osborne Clothier Memorial Bursary
The James P. Bradley Entrance Bursary
The James R. Booth Memorial Award
The James Robert Grasse Bursary in Civil Engineering
The James W.S. Jamieson Award
The James and Margaret Daley Scholarship
The Jane Poulson Memorial Prize
The Janet Braide Book Prize in Art History
The Janet Faddies Award
The Janet Sorbie Award in Family Medicine
The Janet and Thomas McLachlan Scholarship
The Janice Deakin Scholarship in Kinesiology
The Janson Family Entrance Bursary
The Jason Capello Award
The Jean C. Scace Memorial Award
The Jean McLeod Bursary
The Jean Shields Sanders Scholarship in German
The Jeff Beck Entrance Athletic Award
The Jellinck-Lyttle Graduate Fellowship in Biochemistry
The Jeremy Nesheim Graduate Travel Award
The Jerry Jackson Admission Scholarship
The Jim Leech MBA Scholarship
The John & Helen McKay Scholarship
The John A. Harvey Memorial Scholarship
The John A. Watts Award
The John Angus Carther Scholarship
The John Armitage Rowing Athletic Award
The John B. Ewing Bursary
The John B. Sampson Scholarship
The John Brooks Awards
The John D.B. Walton Bursary
The John D.B. Walton Excellence Student Teaching Award
The John D.B. Walton Scholarship in Administrative Law
The John D.B. Walton Scholarship in Theology
The John D.B. Walton, Arts '45 Award
The John D.B. Walton, Arts '45 Scholarship
The John Deere Foundation of Canada Scholarship in Mechanical and Materials Engineering and Commerce
The John Deutsch Institute Award
The John F. Sparks Memorial Fund Studentship
The John Finlay Malcolm Award in Rural Ministry
The John M. Scott Award
The John MacGillivray Graduate Fellowship in German
The John McGill Yourex Bursary
The John Nixon Scholarship
The John Pomeroy Bursary
The John R. Houston Memorial Book Prize
The John R. McCarthy Scholarship
The John Sherwood Memorial Prize
The John Stark Gillies Philosophy Book Prize
The John Thorburn Scholarship
The John W. McVicar Scholarship
The John Wakulat Family International Award
The John Watson Award
The John and Margaret Gilchrist Scholarship
The Joseph Leslie Engler Dissertation Fellowship in Canadian History
The Joseph N. McCarey Memorial Award in Mechanical Engineering
The Joseph S. Stauffer Graduate Scholarship
The Julian Szeicz Memorial Prize
The Julie Payette-NSERC Research Scholarship
The Juliet Milsome Award
The Just Society Award
The K. Venkata Raman Memorial Scholarship
The KFL&A Public Health Award (PHRED) Program Award
The KGH Fellowship 88412678
The KGHM International Ltd. Scholarship - ENG
The Karen Huntley Memorial Award
The Karen V. Gunn Bursary
The Katherine Detre Award
The Katherine Doyle Scholarship
The Kathleen A. Herman Prize in Gender Studies
The Kathleen L. Healey Prize
The Kathryn Dawson Scholarship
The Keith McCaffrey Award
The Ken Lockwood Memorial Award
The Ken and Marilyn Laver Scholarship
The Kenneth B. Carruthers Scholarship (Mechanical Engineering)
The Kenneth B. Carruthers Scholarship (Mining Engineering)
The Kenneth J. Southern Memorial Bursaries
The Kenny Family Award in Family Medicine
The Kevin Gordon Rankin Memorial Award
The Khaki University and Y.M.C.A. Memorial Bursary
The Kim van Steenbergen (Nursing 1978) Award
The Kingston Branch of the Queen's Alumni Association Entrance Award
The Kingston Chapter of the American Society for Metals Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering
The Kingston-Frontenac Bursary
The Kirk and Sandra Robinson Scholarship
The Kitty Noble Memorial Ontario Graduate Scholarship
The Kostuik Scholarship in Mining Engineering
The Kris Nowers, B.Com '78, Excellence in Finance Scholarship
The L. J. Patterson Award in Mine Management
The L. Jean Toews & Henry B. Toews Bursary in Medicine
The L.A. Munro Awards in Engineering Chemistry
The L.H. & N.A. Timmins Award
The L.J. Patterson Prize
The L.J. Patterson Prize in Medical Genetics
The L.M. Arkley Prize
The L.W. Copp Award
The Latham Family Award in Social Neuroscience
The Laura Jane Sparks Athletic Award
The Laura Shibley Scholarship
The Law Entrance Bursary
The Law Foundation Grant
The Law Foundation of Ontario/Faculty of Law Debt Reduction Program
The Law Visible Minorities and Indigenous Students Awards
The Lawrence M. Hunter Memorial Award
The Leiden University Award
The Len Morrow MBA Scholarship
The Lena Macneil Scholarship
The Leonard G. Berry Memorial Bursary
The Les Gulko Award
The Lesley Family Entrance Award
The Leukemia Research Scholarship
The Lia Dower Memorial Award
The Liana Tesan Memorial Scholarship
The Life Sciences Award
The Lilian Coleman Taylor Prize
The Lilias Kathleen Dolan Entrance Scholarship
The Lillian Preston Admission Scholarship
The Lincoln Might Scholarship
The Lincoln Taylor Newman Memorial Bursary
The Lisa Saunders Bursary for Commerce Students
The Loran Award-Queen's
The Lorne C Elder Scholarship in Mech & Materials Engineering
The Lorne Greene Award
The Lorraine Chan Memorial Bursary
The Lorraine and Paul F. Campbell Award
The Lou Jefferies Men's Hockey Award
The Louisa A. Fowler Graduate Fellowship
The Lower Fellowship in Canadian History
The Lynn Anne Milsom Memorial Scholarship in Music
The M. Sullivan & Son Limited Scholarship
The M.C. Cameron Scholarship in Gaelic
The M.C. Urquhart Book Prize in Economics
The MBA 1980 Class Scholarship
The MBA 1981 Entrance Scholarship
The MBA 1987 Entrance Scholarship
The MBA 1988 Scholarship
The MPA Alumni Award
The MSTE Doctoral Fellowship
The Mac Urquhart PhD Award in Economics
The MacKinnon Brothers Scholarship
The Maclennan Prize in Greek
The Madison Crich Memorial Award
The Maj.J.H.Rattray Geological Sciences or Geological Engineering.
The Major Guy T.M. Bevan Engineering Bursary
The Major James H. Rattray Bursary
The Major James H. Rattray, M.C., Prize in Mining
The Manley B. Baker Scholarship in Geology
The Margaret Anderson Graduate Scholarship
The Margaret E.M. McLellan Memorial Scholarship
The Margaret Farr Scholarship
The Margaret K. Stevens Entrance Award
The Margaret O'Hara Bursary
The Margaret Pratt Berkeley Memorial Award
The Margaret and David Cook Admission Award
The Marguerite Stott Prize in Nephrology
The Maria Nathanson/Iamgold Graduate Scholarship
The Marie Mottashed Entrance Scholarship
The Marie Mottashed Graduate Scholarship
The Marion E. McNevin Award in Nursing
The Marion Ross Bursary
The Marion Stewart MacDonald Scholarship
The Marion and Arthur Wonnacott Scholarship
The Marjorie Mclean Oliver Graduate Scholarship
The Mark Pettit Memorial Prize
The Marshall B. Dean Award
The Martha McConnachie Entrance Award
The Martin F. J. Prachowny Award in Macroeconomics
The Martin Family Excellence Scholarship
The Martin Schiralli Fellowship
The Mary E. Staples Award
The Mary Fraser Mclennan Prize in Hebrew
The Mary L. Balanchuk Concurrent Education Award
The Mary Mewkill Memorial Prize in English
The Mary N. Francis Fellowship in Nursing Science
The Mary Orti Memorial Award
The Mary Ruth Uffen Entrance Award in Applied Science
The Mary and Jim Courtright Student Award
The Master of Industrial Relations Alumni Fellowship
The Masters Autism Scholars Awards
The Masters of International Business Scholarship
The Matheson Prize
The Mathew Mezciems BISC Law Scholarship
The Maude Wright Memorial Bursary
The Maureen Mogan English Scholarship
The Maurice G. Corbett Entrance Bursary in Applied Science
The McAdie Chemistry Doctoral Student Award
The McIlquham Award
The McIver Scholarship in English
The McLean McCuaig Entrance Bursary
The McLennan Foundation Scholarship
The McLeod and McLean Scholarship
The McMillan Llp Award
The McNeil Prize
The Medical Leave Funding payment
The Medicine 1951 Bursary
The Mel Williamson Foundation
The Melville S. Hatch Memorial Fellowship
The Melvin R. Goodes Entrance Award
The Memorial Scholarship
The Merriam School of Music Prize
The Michael & Betty Dicketts Award in Music
The Michael & Catherine Purcell Entrance Scholarship
The Michael A. Jenkins Graduate Fellowship
The Michael Bradden Memorial Entrance Bursary
The Michael D. Failes Graduate Fellowship in Labour and Employment Law
The Michael Dineley Memorial Entrance Scholarship
The Michael Durland Graduate Fellowship
The Michael Moziar Scholarship
The Michael and Betty Dicketts Endowed Scholarship in Medicine
The Michael and Betty Dicketts Scholarship in Medicine
The Michael and Susan Woeller Entrance Award
The Michelle MacIsaac Athletic Award
The Michelle McKelvey Award in Family Law
The Mike Hamze Memorial Scholarship
The Mike Tierney Bursary
The Mildred K. Walters Awards
The Milton Frederick Pummell Bursary
The Milton Frederick Pummell Scholarships
The Milton Hersey Fellowship
The Mining Engineering Scholarship
The Mireille Calle-Gruber International Studies Award
The Mirzaagha Family Exchange Bursary
The Mitacs Globalink Graduate Fellowship
The Modular Mining Systems Scholarships
The Moira Anne (Courtney) Hudgin Bursary
The Momeni Foundation Scholarship
The Monieson Graduate
The Morgan Brown Scholarship
The Mowat Prize
The Mr. and Mrs. Gim C. Ong CPE Bursary
The Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Lawlor Memorial Scholarship
The Mr. and Mrs. H.R. Pollock Bursary
The Mrs. Rupert (Margaret E.) Davies Award
The Muriel Driver Memorial Bursary
The Murphy Memorial Scholarship
The Murray A. Cowie Award For Study in Germany
The Murray A. Cowie Awards For Study in Germany
The Murray Buchanan Memorial Athletic Award
The Murray Douglas Scholarship
The Murray M. and Ruth S. Fraser Medical Student Award
The N. D. Patterson Award
The N.F. Dupuis Prize in Mathematics
The N.F. Dupuis Prize in Mathematics and Engineering
The N.F. Dupuis Scholarship
The NASST Michael E. Argent Memorial Scholarship
The NSERC Alexander G. Bell Canada Graduate Scholar.
The NSERC Industrial Graduate Scholarship
The NSERC Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship
The NSERC/MITACS Industrial Postgraduate Scholarship
The Naim S. Mahlab Scholarship in Jewish Studies
The Nancy Potvin Memorial Award - Non Renewable (Upper Year)
The Nancy Potvin Memorial Award - Non Renewable - Admission
The Nancy Potvin Memorial Award - Renewable - Admission
The Nathan & Barbara Brown International Scholarship
The Nathan E. Berry Prize in Urology
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
The Navo Family Athletic Financial Award
The Neil Currie Polson Memorial Prize
The Neil Morrison Fellowship in Economics
The Nellie & Ralph Jeffery Award in Mathematics
The Nissan Commerce International Exchange Award
The Noranda Sales Corporation/William G. Deeks Award
The Norma Nugent Graduate Award
The Norman D. Wilson Fellowship
The Norman L. Bowen Bursary
The Norman and Grace Miller Graduate Fellowship in Mathematics
The Norman, Ian and Lorna Rogers Scholarship
The Nortel Networks Graduate Fellowship
The Nursing 55th Anniversary Award
The Nursing Placement Award
The O.A. Seeber Bursary
The OSOTF Bursary
The Olive Zeron David Bursary
The Ontario Hockey Association Scholarship
The Ontario Power Generation Award
The Ontario Trillium Scholarship
The Ontario Women's Health Scholars Award
The Opportunities Entrance Scholarship in Applied Science
The Orloff Roy and Orla Vivian Flindall Bursary
The Orr-Fry Prize in English
The Osborne Studd Book Prize in History
The Ottawa Ladies' College Excellence Scholarship
The P.C. MacGregor Memorial Scholarship
The P.E. Newbury Prize in Family Law
The P.E. Newbury Prize in Geological Sciences
The PHE Thank Q Bursary
The Paige Marshall Admission Award
The Paithouski Prize
The Pamela C. Williams Memorial Award
The Pamela McDonald Memorial Bursary
The Pannell-Grant Awards
The Parents' Bursary
The Parrott Foundation Fellowship
The Parsons Award in Geotechnical Engineering
The Pathways to Education Award
The Paul D.D. Chick Memorial Award
The Paul Park Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Scholarship
The Paul Stothart Memorial Award
The Pearl Payne Book Prize
The Peggy (House) Leighton Admission Scholarship
The Perras Shugart Commerce and Athletics Award
The Perry J. Lao International Exchange Award
The Peter Carty Memorial Award
The Peter Lougheed Award
The Peter Mckinley Thompson Bursary
The Peter Morris Memorial Scholarship
The Peter R. White Memorial Award
The Peter and Carol Davy Entrance Award in Voice
The Philips Macdonnell Memorial Award
The Phyllis Hough Camm Memorial Scholarship
The Phyllis M. Camm Memorial Scholarship
The Physical Therapy Clinic Award Fieldwork in O.T.
The Physical Therapy Clinic Award in Ambulatory Care
The Physical Therapy Clinic Award in Rehab./Cont. Care
The Physical Therapy Graduation Prize
The Physics Department Award
The Prince Takamado Visiting Student Scholarship
The Principal's International Doctoral Award
The Principal's Scholarship
The Professor F.A. Knox Prize
The Professor Leopold Havelock Thorburn Memorial Scholarship
The Professors? Prize for Outstanding Graduate Work in Anatomy
The Province of British Columbia Award
The PwC International Awards
The PwC/Christine Sinclair Scholarship
The QCRI 2012 Best Poster Prize
The QGA Tuition Payment
The QSR Graduate Fellowship
The Qaid-I-Azam Prize in Political Studies
The Queen Elizabeth II Scholarship Science Technology
The Queen's Alumni Association Toronto Branch Award
The Queen's C.A.P. Prize Examination Award (CONVO)
The Queen's China Alumni Scholarship
The Queen's Criminal Law Association Award
The Queen's Entrance Award QE and QD Renewable
The Queen's General Bursary
The Queen's Graduate Award
The Queen's International Student Soc. Bursary
The Queen's Law Alumni Bursary
The Queen's Master in Management Analytics Scholarship
The Queen's Master of Finance - Beijing Scholarship
The Queen's Master of Finance - Toronto Scholarship
The Queen's University Admission Bursary
The Queen's University Admission Bursary (Ontario)
The Queens Health Science Journal Research Article Prize
The R. Kenneth and Catherine Matheson Carty Award
The R. Samuel McLaughlin Fellowship
The R. Samuel McLaughlin Teaching Fellowship
The R. T. Mohan Graduate Scholarship
The R.Baier & L.Bruno
The R.E. Semple Award in Physiology
The R.G. Orr-Fry Bursary
The R.G.H. Smails Prize
The R.T. Mohan Undergraduate Scholarship in Chemistry
The Raleigh Smith Award in Applied Science
The Raleigh Smith Bursary in Medicine
The Randall Marsh Memorial Scholarship in Voice
The Rankin Scholarship
The Rasmussen Athletic Award
The Commerce Award
The Rattray Prize in Urology
The Rattray Scholarship in Family Medicine
The Rattray Scholarship in General Pathology
The Rattray Scholarship in Ophthalmology
The Rattray Scholarship in Physiology
The Rattray Scholarship in Special Pathology
The Rauch Family Entrance Award
The Raymond H & Phyllis J Smart Scholarship in Applied Science
The Raymond H. & Phyllis J. Smart Scholarship in Music
The Rector Norman Mcleod Rogers Scholarship
The Rector's Bursary
The Reflection Award
The Reg and Mabel Instant Bursary
The Reginald Barker Memorial Award
The Rehab Society Alumni Bursary
The Rehab Therapy Society Sesquicentennial Bursary
The Rehabilitation Therapy Student Experience Fund
The Reinhardt Tuition Payment GEOL
The Reinhardt Tuition Payment PHYS
The Reverend Dr. Alexander Dawson Matheson Award
The Richard Bonsteel Scholarship
The Richard G. Stackhouse International Award
The Richard G. Stackhouse/PwC Award
The Richard I. Ruggles Scholarship in Geography
The Richie Dowd Memorial Prize
The Roane Family Admission Bursary
The Robert B. Peterson Entrance Scholarship
The Robert C. Laird Bursary
The Robert Cheyne Eddy Memorial Scholarship
The Robert E. Smith Memorial Scholarship in Mining Engineering
The Robert F. Segsworth Scholarship in Mining Engineering
The Robert G. Richardson Memorial Scholarship
The Robert J. Mitchell Prize
The Robert J. Wilson Thesis/Dissertation Development
The Robert Kisilevsky Research Education Award
The Robert L. Handford Family Entrance Award
The Robert M. Disher Entrance Award
The Robert Shoniker Athletic Award
The Robert Sutherland Fellowship
The Robert Sutherland Fellowship in Law
The Robert T. Jones Scholarship
The Robert Wallace Graduate Scholarship
The Robert William Cumberland Scholarship in English
The Robert Y. Moir Scholarship
The Robert and Gordon Sinclair Memorial Studentship
The Roberta McCulloch Prize in English (Engineering)
The Roberta McCulloch Scholarship in English
The Roberta McCulloch Scholarship in English (Medicine)
The Roberto Rocca/Tenaris Scholarships
The Rock Mechanics Achievement Scholarship
The Rod Robertson Prize in Dramatic Literature and Theatre History
The Ron Stewart Physical Education Prize
The Ronald M. Buttery Memorial Scholarship
The Ronald and Deanna Biggs Entrance Award
The Rosalind E. Bell Admission Scholarship
The Roscoe R. Miller Prize in Geography
The Roscoe R. Miller Scholarship in English
The Rose A. Freeman Memorial Award
The Ross Kilpatrick Student Initiatives Fund Award
The Ross Memorial Bursary
The Rotary Grant JOHNSTON, H
The Roy Heenan Award in Industrial Relations
The Roy and Ria McMurtry Endowment Award
The Royal Canadian Air Force Wwii Award
The Ruby Cordy Award
The Russell Family Entrance Scholarship
The Ruth Cordy Admission Bursary
The Ruth E. Crummy Scholarship
The Ruth I. McKenzie Bursary
The Ruth Taylor Research Fund in Brain Disorders
The S. Mathwin Davis Memorial Award
The S.D. Lash Scholarship
The SGPS Dean's Awards
The SGS CREATE Graduate Award
The SKHS Doctoral Award
The SPS Director's Award
The SSHRC CGS Doctoral Business Related
The SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship
The SSHRC J.-A. Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship
The SSHRC Sport Participation Research Initiative
The SSHRC Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship
The Samuel Weeburn Small Bursaries
The Samuel Wigdor Medical Scholarship
The Samuel and Edith R. Munnings Bursary
The Scarthingmoor Prize in Economics
The Scholarship Nomination
The School of Industrial Relations Bursary
The School of Medicine Bursary
The School of Nursing Alumni Award
The School of Nursing Entrance Award
The School of Rehabilitation Therapy Bursary
The School of Urban and Regional Planning Bursary
The Schraven Brothers Scholarship
The Science '11 Prize
The Science '22 Scholarship
The Science '41 Memorial Scholarship
The Science 1923 Bursary
The Science 1941 Entrance Bursary in Applied Science
The Science 1946 Memorial Entrance Award
The Science 1946 Memorial Entrance Scholarship
The Scott and Carolyn Earthy Admission Bursary
The Sculthorpe Family International Commerce Award
The Seanix Graduate Award
The Selim Akl Scholarship in Computing
The Senator Frank Carrel Bursary
The Senator Frank Carrel Fellowship
The Senator Frank Carrel Merit Scholarship
The Senator Frank Carrel Upper Year Scholarship (ASC)
The Senator Frank Carrel Upper Year Scholarship (Commerce)
The Senator Frank Carrel Upper Year Scholarship (Education)
The Senator Frank Carrel Upper Year Scholarship (Engineering)
The Senator Frank Carrel Upper Year Scholarship (Law)
The Senator Frank Carrel Upper Year Scholarship (Medicine)
The Senator Frank Carrel Upper Year Scholarship (Nursing)
The Sexual Medicine Society of North America
The Shane Daniel Klein Scholarship in Family Medicine
The Sherri Campbell Prize
The Shirley Bell Award
The Shirley Roberts Research Award
The Simcoe County Scholarship
The Sir James Aikins Fellowship in History
The Sir John C. Schultz Memorial Scholarship
The Sir John Templeton Memorial (Lyford Cay Fndn)
The Sir Wilfred Laurier Memorial Prize
The Smirle Forsyth Prize in Political Studies
The Smith School of Business Bursary - General
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
The Society of Industrial and Office Realtors
The Solomon Lieff Prize in Physical Chemistry
The Spanish and Italian Travel Bursary
The Special Dean's Award
The Sponsored Student Fund- Fees
The Sponsored Student Fund-Student
The Stanimir Family Bursary
The Stanley Drabek Graduate Award in Political Studies
The Stanley and Jean Pitt Bursary
The Stanley/Jean Pitt Distinguished Alumni Entrance Scholarship
The State Bank of India
The Stephen & Melanie Hoffmeister Admission Award
The Stephen Cogan Memorial Award in Mining Engineering
The Stephen Csatari Memorial Award
The Stephen J. Hobbs Award
The Stewart Bursary
The Stewart Langdon Memorial Award
The Stirling/Cape Entrance Scholarship
The Storwal International Inc. Scholarship
The Stringer, Brisbin, Humphrey Prize in Labour Law
The Strive Award in Environmental Studies
The Stuart Vandewater Studentship in Anesthesiology Research
The Sue Hendler Graduate Fellowship
The Sue Hendler Graduate Scholarship in Gender Studies
The Sukaina Ali Memorial Award
The Sun Microsystems of Canada Scholarship
The Suncor Inc. Employment Equity Bursary
The Susan Near Prize in Film
The Susan Near Prize in Geology
The Susan Near Prize in German
The Susan Near Prize in History
The Susan Near Prize in Mathematics
The Susan Near Prize in Physics
The Susan Near Prize in Psychology
The Susan Near Prize in Spanish
The Susan Near Prizes in Chemistry
The Susan Near Scholarship
The Susan and Louis Forbes Award
The Sydenham Memorial Scholarship
The Sydenham Old Boys' Scholarship
The Sylvanus Joy Scholarship
The Syrian Refugee Opportunity Award
The T.V. (Tim) Lord Bursary in Materials & Mtl Engineering
The Technology Bursary
The Teck Scholarship
The Ted Reeve Memorial Award
The Thayer Lindsley Book Prize
The Thesis Prize in Education
The Thomas C. Kinnear Commerce '66 Award
The Thomas F. Lapierre Award
The Thomas Gibson Scholarship
The Thomas M. Walsh, M.A., Memorial Prize in History
The Thomas M. and Louise A. Brown Research Studentship
The Thomas and Elizabeth Miller Exchange Scholarship
The Three Minute Thesis Prize
The Thurber Engineering Graduate Scholarship
The Timothy C.S. Franks Research Travel Fund
The Tom R. Higgins Scholarship
The Tom Williams Award in Policy Studies
The Topping Scholarship in Hebrew
The Toronto Crew Real Estate Scholarships
The Torys Prize in Business Law
The Tracy Prize
The Trevor C. Holland Fellowship
The Tri-Council Recipient Recognition Award
The Tricolour Award
The Tricolour Bursary-BISC-UYO
The Tripp-Smith Family Graduate Fellowship
The Tripp/Smith Family Entrance Award
The U.S. Steel Canada Graduate Fellowship
The Undergraduate Prize in Microbiology & Immunology
The University Scholarship in Music
The Val Hanbidge Keast Memorial Scholarship
The Venice Program Bursary
The Victor Lyall Goodwill Memorial Essay Prize
The Vincent Principi Memorial Award in Labour Law
The Violet Head Fellowship
The Virginia Parker Prize For Excellence in Psychiatry
The Vojtech Jirat-Wasiutynski Memorial Travel Award
The W Edmund Clark Scholarship
The W. Hugo Evans Book Prize in French
The W.B. Cunningham Entrance Scholarship
The W.B. Munro Scholarship in History
The W.C. Good Memorial Fellowship
The W.H. MacInnes Scholarship
The W.H. Poole Scholarship in Marketing
The W.J. Patterson Bursary
The W.P. Wilgar Memorial Scholarship
The W.R. Thompson Prize in Psychology
The W.S.T. Connell Memorial Summer Studentship Award
The W.T. MacClement Memorial Prize
The W.T. MacClement Prize (Humanities)
The W.T. MacClement Prize (Social Science)
The W.T. Pound Engineering Design Award
The W.W. King Graduate Fellowship
The W.W. Near Scholarship
The W.W. Near and Susan Near Award
The W.W. Near and Susan Near Prize
The W.W. Near and Susan Near Scholarship
The W.W. Near and Susan Near Scholarship. in Psychology
The WAMIC Wood Award
The Walker, Mary M. Scholarship
The Wallace Near Prize in Biology
The Wallace Near Prize in Classics
The Wallace Near Prize in French
The Wallace Near Prize in German
The Wallace Near Prize in Political Studies
The Wallace Near Prize in Spanish
The Wallace Prize
The Walter C. Sumner Foundation Fellowship
The Walter Fenlon and Linda Ann Daly Chaplain's Trust Fund
The Walter Thumm Memorial Scholarship in Physics
The Watkins Scholarship
The Western Ontario Graduate Fellowship
The White Bursary
The William Corbett Award
The William E. O'Hara Postgraduate Bursary
The William Ersil Memorial Award
The William G. Davis Award
The William G. Lynn Entrance Bursary in Applied Science
The William I. Chisholm Scholarship in Biology
The William Leonard McNeil Scholarship
The William Mitchell Silliman Scholarship
The William Neish Fellowship
The William Patrick Doolan Prize in Chemistry
The William Rutherford Dunlop Scholarship
The William Young Award
The William and Beatrice Alder Scholarship
The Willis F. Pridham Memorial Award
The Wm. Roy Hardick Scholarship
The Women in Engineering Bursary
The Women's Canadian Historical Society of Toronto
The Women's Golden Gaels Award
The Women's Ice-Hockey Award
The Zurbrigg Memorial Scholarship
Therapeutics, Drug Development, and Human Toxicology Alumni Fellowship
Thomas & Helen McLaren Commerce Entrance Scholarship
Thomas C. O?Neill and Family Bursary
Thomas J. Harris Admission Bursary
Thomas J. Zakos Graduate Award in Nursing
Thomas Nugent Memorial Award
Thomas and Mary Nesmith Bursary
Tom Burns Bursary
Tom Burns Commerce Prize in International Business
Tom Burns MBA Prize in International Business
Tony Dimnik Scholarship
Torkin Manes LLP Award
Toronto-Dominion Bank Higher Education Award
Torrible Goldman Sachs Fellowship
Torys Public Interest Summer Internship Award
Tracey Gourlay Memorial Scholarship
Transforming Lives Scholarship
Trisha Louise Smith Memorial Bursary Applied Sc
Troup Ballantyne Award
Trudy (Goodall) and Major C. "Mike" Wiltshire Memorial Bursary
University Council Bursary
Upadhya Family Indigenous Award
Upitis International Study Award
Val Tancock Perkins Bursary
Valerie Mann Dare to Dream Internship
Van Nostrand/Holt Family Bursary
Vancouver Admission Scholarship
Vandewater Family Commerce Admission Bursary
Vanita Dudak Scholarship for Environmental Studies
Velan Award
Veronica Strong Weisman Bursary
Vic Freidin, Law '71 Memorial Award
Vice-Provost Bader College Bursary
Victor Alfred Betts Admission Scholarship
Victor Gok Leung Lee Memorial Award
Victtoria Ardellini Admission Award
Viloo J. Bamji Memorial Bursary
W. B. Ferguson and Lynda L. Mickleborough National Entrance Award in Arts and Science
W. G. Anglin Scholarship in Surgery
W. G. Leonard Award
W. Gordon Hamilton Bursary in Medicine
W. John Evert Bursary in Civil Engineering
W. S. O'Hara Prize in Criminal Law
W.H. Cramm Scholarship
W.J. Abrams Memorial Bursary
W.M.O. Lochead Scholarship in Economics
WAMIC Scholarship
Wallace Near Bursary
Walter F. Light Bursaries for Graduate Students
Walter F. Light Graduate Fellowships in Education
Walter MacFarlane Smith Bursary
Walter MacFarlane Smith Prize in Chemistry
Walter MacFarlane Smith Scholarship
Warmbold Award
Wasmund Family Indigenous Engineering Scholarships
Wasmund Family Indigenous Scholars Award
Wasmund Family Memorial Scholars Award
Waterloo Region Law Association - Catherine Malvern Award
Weidemann & Pitre Memorial Bursary
Wes and Dorletta Curran Memorial Award
Wesley and Margaret Gerow Bursary
Wilda Parkinson Bursary
Wildeboer Dellelce LLP Scholarship in Contract Law
Wilhelmina McArthur-Humphries Bursary
Willard G. Henry Memorial Scholarship in Metallurgical Engineering
William A. (Bill) Davis Bursary
William Angus Award in Drama
William C. Leggett Graduate Fellowship
William Coombs Baker Memorial Prize
William Dowsley Memorial Award
William E. Miklas Memorial Award
William E. O'Hara Undergraduate Medical Bursary
William James Bracken Memorial Award
William M. Bone Scholarship
William S. McMath Award in Applied Science
William and Patricia Sheets Memorial Entrance Bursary
Winton & Elizabeth Newman Bursary in Mining Engineering
Women of the Class of Science '81 Bursary
Wong International Bursary
World Missions Scholarship
Wright Family Award
Wylie Scholarship in New Testament
funded out of 50823
the Aesculapian Society Bursary
the Aird & Berlis LLP Scholarship
the Alice Pierce Waddington Scholarship
the Anatomy/Cell Biology Undergraduate Research Prize
the Anglo American Scholarship in Applied Geochemistry
the Arts Management Award
the BISC International Award
the Betty Harrison Awards for First Generation Students
the Biochemistry Undergraduate Research Prize
the Borden Ladner Gervais Professional Excellence Award
the Brown and Partners LLP Scholarship
the Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP Scholarship
the C.H. Dawes Memorial Award
the Canadian Medical Foundation Bursary
the Cancer Biology Undergraduate Research Prize
the Child Care Bursary
the Class of 1961 Old Testament Scholarship
the Commerce Admission Scholarship
the Commerce Bursary
the Community Foundation Fund
the Conetec Geotechnical Award in Mining Engineering
the Crossroads Bursary
the DAN Bachelor of Music Admission Awards
the DAN Music Theatre Admission Awards
the Dan D. Gaynor Memorial Scholarship
the David T. Canvin Scholarship in Biology
the Dean's Entrance Scholarships For MBA
the Dentons Canada LLP Award
the Dr. J & B Scanlon and Dr. F Cannella Bursary
the Dr. The Honourable David J Saul International Exchange Award
the Edith Shindman Houzer Bursary
the Elkhorn Manitoba Award
the Ellen O'Rourke Merrin Award
the Enbridge Bursary in Arts and Science
the Enbridge Bursary in Engineering & Applied Science
the Epidemiology Undergraduate Research Prize
the Four Directions Indigenous Admission Awards
the Fudan Queen's Exchange
the Gender Studies Graduate Award
the George A. & Elizabeth Brown Scholarship
the Golden Gaels Football (Entrance Renewable)
the Golden Gaels Football Award (Entrance)
the Graduate Diploma in Business Scholarship
the HSBC International Business Award
the HSBC Women in Business Leadership Award
the Harrison Award for Visible Minority/Racialized Students (Renewable Award)
the Harrison Awards for Visible Minority/Racialized Students (Annual Award)
the Heeney, Waddell, Leitch Scholarship
the Heller/Smith MBA Scholarship
the Herman J. Miller Scholarship
the International Study Awards
the J.R. Watts Memorial Scholarship
the James and Mary Young Allardyce Brough Prize
the KERN Partners Ltd. Scholarship
the KGHM International Ltd. Scholarship
the Kingston Field Naturalists Award for Queen's University Biological Station
the Law Public-Interest Internship Award
the Law Student Society Community Bursary
the Leadership and Entrepreneurial Admission Award
the Lenczner Slaght Royce Smith Griffin LLP Advocacy in Moots Award
the LoyaltyOne /AIR MILES Reward Program Scholarship
the Mabel Evelyn Fells Scholarship in Geography
the Mark MacTavish Award
the McMillan LLP Award in Contracts
the Medicine Entrance Bursary (Non-Ontario)
the Medicine Entrance Bursary (Ontario)
the Michael Farrar Memorial Entrance Award
the Microbiology & Immunology Undergraduate Research Prize
the Modular Mining Graduate Award
the Mylks Post-Graduate Scholarship
the Neuroscience Undergraduate Research Prize
the Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Scholarship
the Novelis Scholarship
the Ontario Graduate Scholarship
the Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Scholarships
the Palmer Hoar Memorial Bursary
the Parsons Scholarship
the Pathology & Molecular Medicine Undergraduate Research Prize
the Pharmacology & Toxicology Undergraduate Research Prize
the Physiology Undergraduate Research Prize
the Piasetzki Nenniger Kvas LLP Scholarship in IP Law
the Principal's International Scholarship - India
the Project Hero Admission Award
the QUIP International Tuition Award (Engineering)
the QuARMS Admission Travel Bursary
the Queen Elizabeth II Aiming For The Top Scholarship
the Queen's '13 Brewers Award
the Queen's Admission Award
the Queen's Appeal Undergraduate Scholarship (ASC)
the Queen's Appeal Undergraduate Scholarship (Nursing)
the Queen's Bursary
the Queen's Cap Prize Examination Award
the Queen's Entrepreneur Scholarship Program (NEMBA/EMBA)
the Queen's FIRST Robotics Admission Scholarship
the Queen's Student Financial Assistance Fund
the Queen's Summer School Bursary
the Queen's University Admission Bursary (Non-Ontario)
the Queen's University Excellence Scholarship
the RCAF Protestant Bursary
the Reverend Dr. H. Welsford Cliff Memorial Award
the Rumball & Pinkney Scholarship in Christian Mission
the S. MacLean Gilmour Scholarship
the Sarah Waddell Scholarship
the School of English Scholarship
the School of Nursing 75th Anniversary Bursary
the School of Religion Bursary
the Shad Valley Admission Scholarship
the Sherritt International Corporation Prize in Mining Engineering
the Smith 30% Club EMBA Americas Scholarship
the Smith Executive MBA Scholarship
the Smith School of Business Bursary - Exchange
the Smith School of Business Student Exchange Award
the Stephen J.R. Smith MBA Scholarships
the T. Litzen Sports Ltd. Athletic Award
the TAC Foundation/Dinah and John Emery Entrance Scholarship
the Takeda Family Medicine Scholarship
the Thomas A. Marshall Scholarship
the University Entrance Scholarships in Law
the Victor Lyall Goodwill Memorial Scholarship in Internal Medicine
the W.W. King Scholarship
the WeirFoulds LLP Award in Remedies
How has/will this award make a difference to your time studying at Queen's? (i.e. improved your academic standing, allowed you to participate in an exchange, join a campus committee or club, etc.) What opportunities has/will it provide to you?
Talk about what you hope to do with your education or what you want to do in the future. Describe what it means to you to earn a degree. Talk about the impact that the scholarship has had on your life. Describe new opportunities the scholarship may have afforded you.
DON'T COPY, use your own words:
Example: After my Honours degree is finished, I would like to continue research biology through a Master's Degree and, potentially, a PhD. My dream is to be one of the three biologists on Canada's Species at Risk Act Board. I would love to aid in the preservation of species for future generations.
Tip: Be genuine. If you don't know what you want to do in the future, that's ok; your donor wants to learn what makes you, you. They always want to know why you chose Queen's and what drove you to pursue your passions and educational aspirations at Queen's.
Please include a message of thanks to the donor(s) of this award. Be genuine and write like you're speaking with them; this isn't an academic report. Would you be able to take classes at Queen's without them? Let them know the difference they've made in your time as a student.
Tip: When thanking your donor, you are encouraged to make your letter personal by adding information about yourself and how this award is helping you to meet your future educational and/or career goals.
DON'T COPY, use your own words:
Example: My educational pursuits would not have been possible without your generous support through the [Award/Scholarship/Bursary name]. Thank you for allowing me to reach my fullest personal and professional potential. I am honoured to be the recipient of this award/bursary/scholarship. Your support has pushed me to work hard so I, too, can one0day provide a similar opportunity to a student like me.